The Gluten-free Challenge 2012

The Gluten-free Challenge 2012

Coeliac UK, the national charity for coeliac disease is challenging the nation to go gluten-free from 14th - 20th May to raise awareness of the daily food frustrations encountered by the 1 in 100 people in the UK who have coeliac disease.

Could you go without gluten for a week?

The idea of the Gluten-free Challenge is for people to shop, cook or eat out completely gluten-free for a week in order to experience what it is like to be diagnosed with coeliac disease and have to check every ingredient on every packet to ensure it doesn't contain any gluten.

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease caused by intolerance to gluten. There is no cure and no medication and the only treatment is a strict gluten-free diet for life.

The average diagnosis period is 13 years and currently only 10-15% of those with the condition Sandwich Saladare diagnosed, with half a million people in the UK currently undiagnosed. Left untreated it can lead to infertility, osteoporosis and small bowel cancer.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye and is found in bread, pasta, pizza, cakes and beer etc. However, it is also often used in a wide range of products including mayonnaise, soy sauce, sauces, sausages and many processed goods.

After struggling for years to get diagnosed with coeliac disease many people are then faced with a complete change in diet and lifestyle. People may be surprised by how good some gluten-free products are and how many naturally gluten-free dishes there are on a restaurant menu.

However there may also be frustrations by the unnecessary limitations on your diet, such as sauces made with wheat flour or fruit salad being the only suitable dessert on offer. But by taking the Challenge you will be doing your bit to help educate and to get the changes needed.

Popping into your local restaurant and asking what they have which is gluten-free is spreading awareness and will hopefully encourage caterers to offer more gluten-free options for all customers.

Sarah Sleet, Chief Executive of Coeliac UK

The Gluten-free Challenge encourages people to gain a better understanding of coeliac disease and the gluten-free diet, the only treatment for coeliac disease.

2012 is the first year of the new law on gluten-free so it is important that the food industry knows how much demand there is for gluten-free food.

So, for the second year running Coeliac UK will be asking the nation to stick rigidly to the gluten-free diet for one week from 14th May and highlight the importance of catering gluten-free to help increase choice for people with coeliac disease.

Coeliac UK is asking people to get involved and:

  • take friends to a restaurant and all order gluten-free so the venue knows about the demand for gluten-free food
  • talk to your local pubs, cafes, schools and restaurants about the law on gluten-free and what it means to you to be able to eat out
  • get a friend or family member to take on the Challenge and follow your diet for a week, getting sponsored for their efforts
  • take part in Come Dine With Me Gluten-free and get your friends and family to cook and shop for gluten-free food
  • visit the National Trust for Scotland to take up their gluten-free options
  • take part in one of Coeliac UK’s sponsored walks with HF Holidays to get fit and raise awareness

Celebrities are supporting the Gluten-free Challenge too!

Coeliac UK's Food Ambassador Phil Vickery, their Health Ambassador Dr Chris Steele MBE as well as Esther Rantzen CBE are behind this year's Awareness Week.

Get more information from

Or call their Helpline on 0845 305 2060.

Coeliacs Logo

If you want to get involved then pledge your support and read some of the quotes of support from celebs and chefs or try some of the great recipes created specially for the campaign.

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email:
