Eating Out to Help Out

Eating Out to Help Out

National Eating Out Week 20th - 27th November was started in 2008 to promote the diversity of cuisines in Britain and to raise funds for charities concentrating on hunger, malnourishment and poverty alongside National Curry Week now in its 14th year.

During the week, foodies can get out and visit their local restaurants, some of which will be staging special events and fun challenges.

Now in its 4th year, National Eating Out Week 2011 for the first time invites not only restaurants, caterers, pubs, canteens etc. all over Britain but also the food loving public who wish to enjoy diversity at home with a takeaway or a prepared meal.

It invites both the dine in and dine out sectors to celebrate the cuisines and cultures available in Britain, and, where possible, to contribute to the alleviation of poverty and suffering in South Asia and worldwide.

The number of chronically undernourished in the world today equals :-

  • The entire population of the world just 250 years ago.
  • The same as 10,000 Wembley Stadia full to capacity.
  • 115 times the population of Greater London.
  • 15 times the entire population of the United Kingdom.
  • 2.3 times the entire population of the European Union.

Some 373 natural disasters killed over 296,800 people in 2010, affecting nearly 208 million others and costing nearly US$110 billion, according to the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED).

Out of the 245 disasters in 2009, 224 were weather related, accounting for 55 million people out of the 58 million people affected, 7000 out of 8900 of those killed, and US$15 billion out of the US$19 billion in economic damages.

For further information, to find out what's happening near you or to donate please visit

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