Countdown Begins to World Environment Day 2012

Countdown Begins to World Environment Day 2012

From the floor of the National Senate, to the streets of Rio de Janeiro, the countdown to World Environment Day (WED) on 5th June 2012 is well under way in Brazil.

This year's host country is preparing to lead what promises to be the largest WED celebrations in the event's four-decade history.

Under the WED 2012 theme Green Economy: Does it Include You?- people across the world are set to carry out thousands of environmental activities on and around the day.

Just over a week after WED, Brazil will host world governments for the Rio+20 summit, where the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication will be one of two central themes.

In the run-up to Rio+20, WED 2012 will promote the active role of communities around the world in the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive green economy.

From Algiers to Auckland, close to 8000 activities have already been registered by WED participants across the world.

There is still plenty of time to get involved in WED 2012. Members of the public are encouraged to visit the WED website and register their green activities.

UNEP will also launch the Global Environment Outlook 5 (GEO 5) on the 6th June. Three years in the making and involving close to 300 experts, GEO is the UN's most comprehensive environmental assessment.

In the run-up to Rio+20, GEO 5 will analyze the state of the global environment and track global progress towards international sustainability targets.

Highlights of the WED 2012 programme in Brazil include:

1 June 2012 - Opening of Green Nation Fest Museum of Natural History, Rio de Janeiro

A celebration of environment, education and entertainment, the Green Nation Festival is partnering with UNEP to celebrate WED through cinema, new media and other cultural activities. The 10-day festival aims to mobilize community action in Brazil to promote sustainable development and lifestyles. Official website (in Portuguese) is available.

2 June 2012 - Launch of Green Passport - 9:00-10:00, Corcovado Monument, Rio de Janeiro

Rio+20 will see hundreds of delegates flying to Brazil from across the world, filling the city’s hotels and traveling around the region; actions which could lead to a potentially high carbon footprint for the summit. UNEP has partnered with the Government of Brazil to produce a new smart phone application, which provides information on 400 environmentally friendly sites and tourism services around Rio de Janeiro. UNEP has also produced sustainability guidelines for hotels in the city. With Brazil set to host the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016, the Green Passport marks a new development in efforts to promote sustainable tourism throughout the country.

4 June 2012 - WED Challenge Forest Takes Root with Gisele Bündchen - 09:30-11:00, Green Nation Fest, Museum of Natural History, Rio de Janeiro

UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Gisele Bündchen will plant the first of 50,000 new trees that will take root to mark WED. Gisele's forest marks the culmination of last year's WED Challenge, where the supermodel and campaigner competed with fellow UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Don Cheadle to mobilize global participation for WED. To mark the Brazilian model’s victory in the WED Challenge, a new forest will be planted in her home country. Gisele will also work as a news reporter with Brazilian TV station Globo for the day, covering WED activities. Gisele will join Brazilian Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner for a press conference immediately following the tree-planting.

UNEP Champions of the Earth Awards - Press Conference: 4.30-5.45pm, Blue Room, Copacabana Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro - Award Ceremony: 8pm-12am, Crystal, Palm and Gallery Rooms, Copacabana Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro

The UN's flagship environment awards will be held in conjunction with WED for the first time this year. The Champions of the Earth prize recognizes leaders in the fields of policy, science, entrepreneurship, and grassroots leadership. This year, UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Gisele Bündchen will present the 2012 Champions of the Earth laureates with their awards.

5 June 2012 - WED Celebrations at Presidential Palace - 15:00-18:00, Palácio do Planalto, Brasilia

President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff will unveil a package of national environmental measures to mark WED. A Special Session of the Brazilian Senate on World Environment Day 2012 will follow the announcement.

6 June 2012 - Global Launch of UNEP Global Environment Outlook (GEO) 5: - Press Conference and High-Level Panel Discussion - 10:30-12:45, Palácio Itamaraty, Centro, Rio de Janeiro

GEO is the UN's most comprehensive environmental assessment report. GEO 5, which will be officially launched in Rio de Janeiro, provides an in-depth assessment of the state of the world environment and includes contributions from close to 300 global experts. GEO 5 will also unveil global progress towards international sustainability targets. Parallel launches will take place in several locations worldwide. More information on GEO 5 is available.

Worldwide Celebrations

Beyond Brazil, WED celebrations are being planned by individuals, organizations and communities in scores of locations.

An interactive map of global WED activities shows what is happening around the world.

For more information visit

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