Britain’s Biggest Walking Festival Starts Xmas Eve

Britain’s Biggest Walking Festival Starts Xmas Eve

The Ramblers Festival of Winter Walks - 24 December 2011 - 2 January 2012

The Ramblers is Britain's walking charity, working to safeguard the footpaths, the countryside and other places we go walking, and to encourage more people to take up walking. With 119,000 members in England, Scotland and Wales, they've been working for walkers for 76 years.

They work for a walking Britain, where walking is a popular choice for its people, both for relaxation and in daily life. The Ramblers want walking to be an enjoyable experience for all, whether in the countryside or in the city, on gentle paths or challenging hillsides and believe that walking contributes to health and well-being and supports a more sustainable way of life.

New rights of access to the countryside are the results of a long-fought campaign by the Ramblers. They are also working hard to keep the footpath network clear and improve its attractions to walkers.

Ramblers LogoWorking to secure new national parks, protect wild land, promote public transport and encourage environmentally friendly farming and sustainable development.

For the first time ever, the Ramblers hugely popular Festival of Winter Walks starts on Christmas Eve; giving you 10 whole days of free, festive, fun-filled walking adventures.

Whether you fancy a short Boxing Day amble to spend some quality time with the family or a lengthy New Year's Day hike to kick start those New Year's resolutions - with over 800 walks taking place across the length and breadth of the country there’s sure to be a walk that's right for you.

Going out for a walk over the festive period gives you the chance to explore Britain at its wintery best; it's the perfect way to get out of the house and spend some quality time with family and friends.

Tom Franklin, Ramblers Chief Executive

Why not join the Ramblers..? For friendship and fresh air...

If you'd like to get out more and enjoy your local area with like-minded people, the Ramblers is for you!

They have 480 walking groups leading 38,000 organised walks every year, so there's bound to be one near you. The Ramblers programme of walks caters for all abilities - and many walks are designed specifically for beginners.

Join the Ramblers today for good value, improved health, fantastic discounts and benefits and, above all, great fun.

More than just a walking club!

For over 75 years, the Ramblers have been at the heart of walking, striving to improve conditions for walkers. This year, for example, they are working to prevent footpaths around the country deteriorating and disappearing as a result of public spending cuts. By joining the Ramblers, your support will help them to continue their important work for walkers like you.

Things you may not know about the Ramblers...

  • Much of Britain was once closed to walkers, but ramblers risked everything in their efforts to open up the countryside to all. In 1932, the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass led to the arrest and imprisonment of five walkers. The Ramblers today is just as passionate about our beautiful countryside and unique network of footpaths.
  • In 2000, after more than 60 years of Ramblers campaigning, new legislation have walkers the right to roam over one million hectares of open countryside in England and Wales. In 2003 they were behind the introduction of new laws making Scotland the most walking-friendly country in Europe.
  • The footpaths you see on your Ordnance Survey maps are there because of the Ramblers campaign to give walkers information about precisely where they had the right to walk.
  • The Ramblers was instrumental in the introduction of National Parks and National Trails. Most recently, we helped bring about the establishment of the South Downs National Park.
  • Every year their volunteers lead 38,000 group walks attracting over half a million ramblers.

To join the Ramblers or to find a walk near you go to:

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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