The Brighton & Hove Autumn Harvest Begins

The Brighton & Hove Autumn Harvest Begins

The Brighton and Hove Food & Drinks Festival looks set to bring us nearly two weeks of fabulous food, delicious drinks and a huge celebration of produce from the South.

Running from the 4th - 14th September 2014, this proves to be a Harvest to remember, with outdoor events, tasting tours and fun for all the family.

All of the festival's major outdoor events, including the Sussex & The World Market, Big Sussex Market, Live Food Show and Children's Food Festival are free entry for everyone to enjoy.

With the Big Sussex Markets, Make Your Case, Bitter and Twisted, the Children's Festival, the Churchill Square Farmers Market - to name a few events - Brighton becomes a food Mecca with people strolling around each corner of Brighton, just enjoying great food.Ridgeview

Heading the Brighton Food Festival campaign for 2014 is Nick Mosley from Brighton Visitor, who is spreading the word about Brighton and Hove as a food destination city, attracting thousands of people to the area.

There is so much more to the Festival programme within the Harvest, as well as what has already happened throughout the year since Spring. You can read about the International Chef Exchanges that have taken place, as a part of this all-encompassing year-long festival. Local chefs have swapped hats and kitchens with fellow chefs from all over the world, including Sicily, Sweden and Guernsey.

On Saturday 6th September, in the festival marquee on Hove Lawns, you will be able to sample hundreds of wines from across the world, including California, Western Australia, Sicily, France, Austria, Portugal and, of course, Sussex at the Brighton Wine Festival with tickets priced at just £20.

And even in October, you can hop aboard a vintage Routemaster for a behind-the-scenes tour of two of Sussex's top vineyards - award-winning Ridgeview Wines and Bolney Wine Estate on a Sussex Wine Bus Tour.

With a wealth of fun, food and celebration, now is the time to join in the Harvest and embrace all that is Brighton and Hove, all that is Sussex and all that is great about the producers, products and companies that play their part in this fantastic series of events.

Take a look at the full schedule for the Harvest at and start planning your visits today.

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