Aphra Behn's The Rover

Aphra Behn's The Rover

Pell Mell Theatre Company breathes new life into a neglected masterpiece bringing the thrill of an Italian Carnival to the heart of Camden.

A pack of exiled English Cavaliers descend on Naples, fighting and seducing their way through the city's brothels, taverns and nunneries. In the confusion rakish naval captain Willmore suddenly finds himself adored by two local women...

Can he use the chaos of an upcoming festival to hide them from each other? PellmellOr do they know more than he supposes...

Former spy to Charles II and the first financially successful female playwright, Aphra Behn led one of the most thrilling lives of the 1600's.

Working in a new age where women could not only write for the stage but also appear on it Behn, in The Rover, dares to depict the battle of the sexes as an evenly matched fight.

Wildly popular in her own day Aphra Behn was regularly dismissed in the 19th century as indecent.

Virginia Wolfe went so far as to say: -

All women together, ought to let flowers fall upon the grave of Aphra Behn... for it was she who earned them the right to speak their minds.

Recent years have seen interest rising in her work and Pell Mell, with their commitment to finding new audiences for classic texts, aim to give her greatest piece The Rover the lavish production it deserves.

Designer Giulia Scrimieri has created a world where luxury, opulence and excess live side by side with the seedy underbelly that constantly threatens the aristocratic carnival.

Pell Mell are following successful runs of their first two shows, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Second Shepherd's Play, with their third at The New Diorama Theatre under Natalie York (Pell Mell Theatre Company: Artistic Director, New Diorama Theatre: Associate Director).

We want to dismantle the idea that fringe theatre can't be on a grand scale whilst at the same time maintaining that intimate connection to the audience that is so often sacrificed in favour of spectacle.

Natalie York, Director

Committed to dragging dry and dusty classics kicking and screaming into the harsh and brilliant light of day Pell Mell invite you to join them for the greatest party on earth, and the hangover afterwards...

Show taking place at The New Diorama Theatre, Regent's Place 15 Triton Street London NW1 3BF

Dates: Tuesday 7th - Saturday 25th August @ 19:30. Saturday Matinee @ 15:30

Tickets: £12.50/ £10.50

Book tickets via www.camdenfringe.org or 08444 77 1000

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