Always Enjoy Shakespeare Responsibly

Always Enjoy Shakespeare Responsibly

Sh*t-Faced Shakespeare by Tax Deductible Theatre Company is an entirely serious production of A Midsummer Night's Dream - with the addition of an entirely sh*t-faced cast member.

Hilarious, raucous and completely interactive, the show has entertained thousands of music festival goers since 2010 and now staggers it's way to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

With a genuinely drunken professional actor selected at random every night, no two productions are ever the same.

The energy and danger of the show are further compounded by allowing the audience control of when, what and how much the actor drinks during the show.

Previous productions have featured highlights such as partial male nudity, Ill-fated crowd surfing, transvestitism, simulated sex acts, unconsciousness, partial female nudity, Justin Timberlake impressions, actual acts of a sexual nature and 'battle yodelling'.

All presented within the confines of one of the finest works in the literary canon.

Sh*t-Faced Shakespeare seeks to introduce a new generation of theatre-goers to the works of the Bard of Avon in the manner we are convinced it was originally intended to be presented.

As the entirely sober cast desperately attempt to tell the story around the drunk, it harks back to the time of the King's Men of the 1600's, inviting the audience to see past the archaisms of language and into the pulsating heart of the play - reminding them as they go to always enjoy Shakespeare responsibly.

Running now until the 27th August daily at 10.20pm this hour long performance is possibly one not to miss!

To book tickets call 0845 260 1234

Tickets £9.50-£11.50 / concessions £7.50-£9.50
(recommended 14+)

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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