What's In Your Bra?

What's In Your Bra?

For decades women have tried everything to enhance or diminish their bust size.

From the bullet bra to the Wonderbra - 'chicken fillets' to implants - it seems that some women will try anything to get the shape they desire - or the shape that fashion dictates.

But if you don't want to resort to cosmetic surgery - what else is offer?

If you Google 'breast enhancement pills' you will find a plethora of results from companies offering herbal remedies to increase the size of your bust.

But do they actually work... probably not.

If a pill could give you bigger breasts then it would need to be carefully controlled and restricted or we may find our streets full of women with exaggerated proportions.

And judging from the amount of pills you need to take and the fact that you need to take them on a regular basis, claims that a pill can enhance your breast seem quite unbelievable. It would also be wise to be cautious of anything that increases glandular development as it is then, potentially, capable of inducing cancerous change.

Although the contraceptive pill and HRT can increase bust size for some women, this is usually down to hormone changes and fluids retention and is only temporary.

As with pills - creams, diet and vitamins will probably not have any direct effect on or increase your bust size.

Breast massage also claims to improve the blood flow to the area and increase circulation - as does following a breast enhancement diet. With little clinical evidence to support such claims it is hard to judge if these methods really do have any lasting effect.

If you want to help your bust, then like every other part of your body, you can exercise to enhance. By following an exercise plan and improving your posture you can improve the appearance of your breast.

'Chicken fillets' are readily available to buy and can be used to increase the appearance of your breasts inside your bras as well as fluid filled bras and bras with a variety of different padding and support added.

Here at The Source, we think that if you want to improve your breast and avoid surgery then the best thing you can do for your boobs is to invest in a good bra - and get it fitted correctly.

The majority of women are still wearing a bra that does not fit. In an attempt to give breast a perkier appearance many women tighten their straps. This just raises the back of a bra that is too big and for a large number of women, the bras that they are wearing are usually too big in back size and too small in cup size.

Once you have the right bra for you - you can then work on getting the look you want - without surgery...

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