Visible Results with the the International Institute for Anti-Ageing at Skin3

Visible Results with the the International Institute for Anti-Ageing at Skin3

With fashions, accessories and 'in vogue' necessities changing faster than the seasons, even in the most austere times you will discover a "beauty salon" on nearly every high street - because in the style stakes you can't beat healthy, glowing skin.

But what makes a good salon great and ensures client loyalty all year round? Quite simply, results!

The International Institute for Anti-Ageing (iiaa) supplies thousands of salons around the UK with Environ® Skin Care, jane iredale® mineral cosmetics and the Advanced Nutrition Programme™. These exceptional brands have a sound, scientific basis and achieve incredible, proven results.

Their products work in harmony with each other and offer a holistic approach to beauty therapies. The Advanced Nutrition Programme™ helps to nourish the skin from within, Environ® dramatically improves the quality of the skin - which in turn creates the perfect canvas for jane iredale® mineral cosmetics.Skin Facial A

This combined approach results in beautiful, healthy skin and maximum long-term benefits.

We spent an afternoon at the iiaa's flagship store, the Skin3 salon in Swiss Cottage, London, to discover these results for ourselves.

If you have ever felt a little intimidated or ill at ease in a professional salon then you are in for a treat at Skin3. The staff are warm, welcoming and friendly and on arrival we were offered lemon or cucumber iced water refreshments.

The salon is clean, tidy and very light; not clinically so but certainly a step up from being cluttered with coffee machines and a pile of the latest fashion magazines.

Talking us through the range and procedures, our professional therapist for the day, Faye Layton-McCann began with an in-depth questionnaire about my skin and lifestyle choices, including: -

  • a history of previous sun exposure
  • breakouts
  • reactions to products previously used
  • previous use of benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl, antibiotics (in past few months), topical/oral steroids
  • possession of the red head gene
  • tendencies towards psoriasis, eczema...
  • facial/surgical procedures
  • simple medial history - diabetes, auto immune disorders...
  • Claustrophobia (seemed like an odd one - but very necessary as we discovered)
  • diet restrictions
  • allergies

After a very thorough analysis of my lifestyle and skincare regime Faye completed a facial skin analysis using the VISIA® diagnostic tool - to photograph and analyse various aspects of my face, including pore size, spots, wrinkles and bacteria levels and distribution.Skin Analysis

With a VISIA® examination, you can discover the problem areas of your face and explore the options on treatment. The examination is painless and provides valuable information on the quality of your skin.

Faye was able to pinpoint where years of being exposed to the elements had taken their toll and peek below the surface of my skin at the ageing process to see how well I was fairing. It was a relief to learn that on the whole the outlook wasn't dire and, with the right programme, the areas of concern could be addressed.

Areas of inflammation and a lack of 'good' bacteria were a priority and possibly linked to my acne outbreaks. My main worries were a deep frown line and a dull looking complexion. Faye suggested that by obtaining a more even texture my skin would dramatically improve in overall appearance.

To set the programme in motion we proceeded on to an Environ® Active Vitamin facial.

"The freshest, most active forms of Vitamin A, C and antioxidants are driven deep into the lower layers of the skin using state-of-the-art technology. This scientific approach stimulates collagen, softens lines and improves elasticity while increasing hydration and boosting radiance".

In the treatment room I stripped down to my jeans and slid under a warm cover, with a bag of heated cherry stones on my stomach. Facials encompass your entire face and décolletage but I was surprised when Faye started by exfoliating my feet. This was exceptionally relaxing and reminiscent of Body Stress Release and any tension began to slip away.

The facial included: -

  • Oil based pre-cleanser (because oil breaks oil)
  • Non-ablative exfoliation to remove only the dead skin cells (harsh/over-exfoliation can remove mature, protective cells exposing immature cells which have not gone through keratinisation. This in turn can cause photosensitivity.
  • Lactic acid toner - which can tingle on sensitive skin (Lactic acid is a natural substance that helps keep things moist, to draw and hold water in the upper layers of the skin).
  • Vitamin moisturiser - applied using sonophoresis. This involves the use of sound waves to transport vitamin molecules through the skin and produces better penetration than conventional ultrasound.
  • A combination of vitamins were used to regulate sebum and improve the circulatory system. Post acne or acne-prone skin produces inferior collagen so good collagen will minimize scarring.
  • Colostrums were applied to cheeks and central area of inflammation. Colostrum is a pre-milk protein and its immune factors support skin defence and are anti-inflammatory.
  • Face mask - which sets quite heavy and hard and can be claustrophobic so Faye did not apply this to my eyes and mouth.
  • C-Quence Eye Gel - light gel formula containing a variety of vitamins, antioxidants and peptides to help improve the appearance of fine lines around the eye area.
  • Environ RAD sunscreen application.

Environ facials focus on enhancing penetration. The active ingredients used can 'talk' to the cells so need to penetrate deeper than the first 3 layers of the epidermis in order to reach the lower living cells. If the ingredients get to the lower level they can feed the cells before cell division takes place.

Following the facial Faye walked us through the Jane Iredale cosmetic range, finding the ideal products to suit my skin type and applying them with expert precision. We left with a new skin regime to follow, complete with a supply of The Advanced Nutrition Programme™ vitamins, Environ® skincare pack and jane iredale® mineral cosmetics.

Quick fixes are achievable with some products on offer today but for long term results and a basic 22/28 day cell turnover, deep change doesn't happen quickly. How fast you see change depends on your genes and how well you work with your routine at home.

Skin3 offers a strong start for your skin and real-time results. if your programme isn't working they will fine tune it to your specific needs and tailor it every step of the way so you can achieve your perfect skin - at the best it can be.

After the facial my skin certainly looked moisturised and plumper, yet a little agitated. I hasten to add that had I suddenly found myself with perfect skin I may have been less impressed and more worried by what had been used on it. Having very reactive skin, "a little agitated" was an excellent result. The products used did not cause any tingling or reaction on my face and the agitation was simply due to the deeper penetration of the products. My skin was being woken from a long, dull sleep.

Since the facial I have noticed that my lips are still a lot more plump and my skin feels and looks much smoother. Enlarged pores are now greatly reduced, along with the fine lines and tired eyes I had become accustomed to seeing. There has been a small period of adjustment and a few acne spots have returned but instead of scarring and taking a month to heal they are gone within the week and leaving no pitted pores.

The products have caused no reaction, in fact my skin appears to relish their application. I would certainly recommend booking a skin analysis as the information is invaluable. We will be waiting with interest to see the skin deep results from a repeat VISIA® examination in the coming months.

If you mix and match different brands without the professional testing you run the risk of cross-over on some active ingredients and may be putting your skin at risk. With Skin3 the products have been tested and proven to work together, with the right balance needed for your individual skin type.

Getting the right recipe is the key to success and at Skin3 they have the best quality ingredients and experience to make your skincare regime unique to you. As someone who had long since given up on a smooth complexion or finding a lipstick to suit my lips, Faye completed the experience by finding a lipstick that has me reaching for it every morning to add the finish touch to my new skin regime.

To book a consultation and begin your personal skincare programme visit or call 020 7328 1291

Skin3 is located at: -
41 Fairfax Road
Swiss Cottage

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