Pick of the Day - A Revolution in Water Purification with Water-to-Go

Pick of the Day - A Revolution in Water Purification with Water-to-Go

Water-to-Go is an easy-to-use, pocket water purification bottle you can use anywhere to turn tap, stream, river or rainwater into drinking water - and it is set to revolutionise the way we look at water when we are out on the go.

This amazing bottle will purify and remove over 99.9% of all contaminants including bacteria and chlorine - and earns a top slot in our Pick of the Day series. Water-to-GoRegardless of whether you travel for business, on holiday or as part of your gap year, the pain and misery that contaminated water can cause is now virtually eliminated.

The filter system is in a 75cl re-usable plastic bottle costing £24.95 (that can be dishwasher cleaned). With each filter (packs of 2 for £14.95) lasting around three months and individually purifying a total of 200 litres water - with Water-to-Go it costs only 1.5p per 50cl of clean drinking water.

The Water-to-Go filter technology was developed for NASA in the USA and can eliminate 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, water-borne diseases and bad odours and taste from water whilst retaining the beneficial minerals, such as sodium and magnesium.

After security checks, many travellers are now refilling Water-to-Go bottles in airport departure lounge wash rooms to avoid expensive airport or airline bottled water, while backpackers can reduce the weight on their backs significantly by carrying just a 75cl refillable Water-to-Go bottle and refilling it free. UK and international travellers can now be assured that water will never again cause stomach upsets.

We discovered Water-to-Go at The Telegraph Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show 2014 and after looking at the test results and facts put before us we had no hesitation of drinking the water from a muddy tank, once it had been passed through the filter in the Water-to-Go bottle. The results? No adverse reaction and simply clean, clear filtered water.

Each day millions of people in the UK buy one or more plastic bottles of mineral water and throw away the empties - of which only a small percentage gets recycled. Water-to-Go is ideal for cost conscious, healthy living, environmentally aware people in recessionary times. Anyone buying 5 x 50cl bottles a week (many people buy much more) will make a saving of around £250 per year with Water-to-Go.

Everyone is familiar with the miracle of turning water into wine - well this is a modern day miracle designed to turn polluted water into drinking water in your pocket. There’s no catch, just proven NASA technology for under 3p per litre.

It is hard to believe that with the availability of Water-to-Go, millions of litres of expensive pre-bottled water is still being distributed to those in need at times of natural disaster. Not only is this a fantastic addition for the traveller, back packer, student or holiday maker - it could also be a life saver.

More information is now available at www.watertogo.eu

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