Organic on a Budget

Organic on a Budget

The UK Government has committed in law to cutting the country's greenhouse emissions 80% by 2050.

With our industrialized food and farming system currently responsible for around 30% of UK emissions and 30% of our individual carbon footprint down to our food choices, it's clear that we need to make fundamental changes to the way we grow, source and eat our food.

Only radical changes to our diets and farming systems can achieve the level of greenhouse gas cuts needed.

Some of these changes can be made the next time you shop, buying organic food and supporting organic farming and using more seasonal fruit and vegetables is the single most important, everyday way to reduce your impact on the planet and should be the first step for anyone who takes climate change seriously.

For many people, one of the biggest perceived barriers to buying organic food is the price.

Unfortunately even those, who in other areas of their lives consider themselves green, are happy to ignore the climate impact of their weekly non-organic shopping and continue to buy the 'cheapest' possible food available at the check-outs, regardless of the environmental and social costs that we all end up paying eventually.

The Soil Association believes it is possible for most of us to shop and cook organically without compromising on quality.

It might require some creativity and life-style changes, but these changes have the potential to leave both you and the planet healthier and happier. So use the following tips to stay healthy, ethical and green whilst saving money.Pasta

Sign-up to an organic box scheme.
Get local, seasonal and organic fruit and veg delivered straight to your doorstep. Convenient and excellent value for money. Check out the Soil Association website to find your nearest supplier.

Cook fresh fruit and veg from scratch.
Avoiding over-packaged convenience foods is usually both healthier and cheaper. Try the Soil Association’s ‘Grown in Britain’ cookbook which has a comprehensive guide to seasonal British produce.

Eat less meat.
And when you do try lower cost cuts such as belly of pork or neck of lamb. Offal too can provide tasty nutritious meals. Get friendly with your local butcher for advice on cuts.

Cook in bulk. Make meals in larger batches, use herbs and spices, and less expensive ingredients like tinned tomatoes, beans and pulses to make the dish go further, and then freeze left over portions.

Join or create an organic buying group. Bulk-buy your store cupboard staples with a group of friends at wholesale prices. The Soil Association is working to encourage more buying groups around the country and have produced a guide to getting started.

Join or start your own local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scheme in partnership with a local farmer. CSA is a partnership between farmers and the public where you make an annual investment for a share of the harvest and can prove great value for money. You can read more about the scheme and get inspired by those already doing it on the Soil Association website.

Grow your own, for the freshest, most local food you can get, right on your doorstep - and free.

Keep your own chickens - enjoy a great house pet and super fresh eggs every day. You can learn more about chicken keeping, and range of other courses on growing and cooking, through a Soil Association Organic Farm School course.

Write a shopping list. As a nation we throw away 6.7 million tonnes of food every year. By planning meals in advance, buying what you need and not what you 'fancy', and using left-overs you should be able avoid the need to throw away any food at all, and save up to £50 a month.

Take a walk on the wild side. There's plenty of free wild food available, and identifying and picking it is a great way of having fun outdoors.

Become a Soil Association member and get saving! Organic Connect is our directory of offers and discounts exclusively for Soil Association members. Bringing our members closer to organic producers and independent shops it includes super-savings that can make a real difference to your shopping bills.

The Soil Association believes that access to good food should be a right not a privilege and are committed to making organic, seasonal, healthy food accessible to everyone. Support their work and become a member from only £2.50 a month.

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