Naturewatch Releases the 13th Edition of the Compassionate Shopping Guide

Naturewatch Releases the 13th Edition of the Compassionate Shopping Guide

In 1993 Naturewatch lifted the lid on the use of animal testing in the production of personal care and household products by publishing the Compassionate Shopping Guide.

Naturewatch was the first organisation in the UK to make this information available to the public, and today the 13th edition continues to highlight why it is so important to understand the policies behind the products.

Regardless of the colour of the lipstick, fragrance of perfume or brand of household product, one tag that separates them all is their cruelty-free credentials.

Fortunately numerous companies produce outstanding cruelty free products, but just as many refuse to adopt a humane animal testing policy.

The 44-page handbag size Guide makes it easy for shoppers to navigate the maze. It highlights companies that have a genuinely cruelty free animal testing policy, while also listing companies that continue to use animal testing in product development.

Naturewatch researches companies thoroughly and only approves those that have a Fixed Cut Off Date (FCOD) animal testing policy that runs throughout the entire organization, including the parent company if applicable.

Their strict criteria ensures that each company we endorse supports animal welfare throughout its entire range of brands and products and even if a subsidiary company has a FCOD policy in place, it cannot be endorsed if the parent company does not.

As part of the promotion to launch the NEW Compassionate Shopping Guide, Naturewatch are entering everyone who purchases a copy into a competition to win cruelty free products.

They have some fabulous prizes on offer kindly provided by some of the companies endorsed by Naturewatch. Competition closes on Valentine's Day 14th February 2013, when the raffle will be drawn.

The Compassionate Shopping Guide costs £4.00 including p&p and is available from the Naturewatch website or by phoning 01242 252871.

Shop cruelty free - because the animals are worth it!

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