Going Veggie In 7 Easy Steps

Going Veggie In 7 Easy Steps

Go veggie in seven simple steps for National Vegetarian Week - taking place from Monday 23 May to Sunday 29 May 2011 and sponsored by Cauldron Foods...

  • Green about going veggie? Then the first thing to do is to get your hands on a copy of the Vegetarian Society’s very aptly named – Going Veggie guide, it’s free and brand spanking new. Call 0161 925 2000 or visit www.nationalvegetarianweek.org for a free copy.
  • But what will I eat? is the cry of the new veggie – don’t worry there’s plenty out there. Have a think about the meals you already eat. Can they be adapted? Some will even already be veggie.
  • Go shopping Do yourself a favour by buying in some food that you don’t need to make from scratch - veggie burgers, veggie sausages and ready meals can make life much easier until you get to grips with a few new favourite recipes.
  • In the pink Keep healthy by having a balanced and varied vegetarian diet. Our Going Veggie guide has in-depth information. Try to maximise your intake of nutrients by having colourful salads and a glass of orange juice with meals.
  • Pesky animal by-products in your shopping basket. It’s pretty easy to avoid obvious meat, fish and chicken in food. But there are some sneaky animal by-products such as gelatine, animal fat and fish oils that you need to watch for. Check ingredients or look for products carrying the Vegetarian Society Approved symbol.
  • Explore it There’s a whole new world of ingredients, cooking styles and cuisine. Go Indian, creating a curry with paneer cheese or Chinese by whipping up a quick and tasty stir-fry with marinated tofu. If you want to really be inspired take a look at the courses on offer at the Vegetarian Society’s Cordon Vert Cookery School www.cordonvert.co.uk.
  • Take a look at the Vegetarian Society’s website www.vegsoc.org It's great for info, keeping up to date.

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