Get Glowing in January with a Skin & Body Detox for 2014

Get Glowing in January with a Skin & Body Detox for 2014

Talking detox before intoxication may seem an odd way to look after our bodies but with Christmas almost upon us we can be sure that many people will already have indulged in a helping of Christmas spirits and mince pies, and be headed for a few weeks of casting aside their diets in the hope of starting again in the New Year.

In order to be ready for the fun come February, with lighter evening, Spring sunshine and St. Valentine on the horizon, January is a good month to reassess your diet and detox from December. And with the help of the International Institiute of Anti-Ageing (iiaa) and the Advanced Nutrition Programme (ANP), coupled with our favourite kitchen gadget, the Nutribullet, and some 'good-for-you food' we are armed and ready to be fabulous for February.ANP Pure Detox Pack

If December leaves you feeling tired and 'toxic' laden from over-indulgence, it could be time to embark on a top-to-toe detox programme. The Pure Detox Pack from ANP is a combination of three supplements and advice to help cleanse from within and achieve better skin too. It is a great way to bring your body back into balance, boost energy and restore your skin's vitality.

The pack focuses on filtering, flushing and fighting toxins; designed to support your liver when filtering toxins, your digestive system when flushing them out and your immune system when fighting harmful free radicals.

Pure Detox Pack is a great complement to a new regime, combining healthy eating with professional detox treatments and lymph drainage therapies - in a health and beauty clinic - as well as at home. The Skin3 salon in Swiss Cottage offers an extensive range of proven treatments to support your detox and recommend Environ’s Active Vitamin Facial treatment - which uses the latest technological discoveries to temporarily overcome the natural barrier posed by the skin, to rival results which previously were only achievable with invasive procedures or skin-thinning techniques like laser and chemical peels.

Instead of stripping layers away, leaving it vulnerable, the technology used helps boost penetration of potent anti-ageing ingredients into the skin by up to 40 fold, for significant and lasting skincare improvements by promoting plump, even-toned, healthy skin growth.

"Reduce the toxins you've already been exposed to and improve your body's own ability to eliminate them, and you'll be well on your way to glowing skin and improved energy levels. We experience an improvement in the appearance of cellulite, our hormone balance is better, skin becomes less dry or less oily accordingly, and cholesterol levels reduce."

Lorraine Perretta, Advanced Nutrition Programme’s nutritional consultant

Lorraine suggests that you may also benefit if you:

  • Eat detoxing superfoods like oily fish, seeds, chickpeas, olives, watercress and spinach
  • Cut out wheat and dairy products for the month
  • Avoid adding salt to your food
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine and drink eight glasses of water a day

Throughout January we will be embarking on our own detox using the Pure Detox Pack, as well as combining it with a healthy eating plan plus some great lunch smoothies made with the Nutribullet we reviewed last month.

So if you are stuck for present ideas or want to treat yourself to a more glowing you for 2014 put the Pure Detox Pack, a SKIN3 salon visit and the Nutribullet on your last minute list and join us for January, when we will be keeping you updated with our detox and ending the month with a full review.

Fabulous for February - here we come!

The Pure Detox Pack is priced £47. It forms part of the Advanced Nutrition Programme - a complete professional nutritional system of healthy eating and appropriate supplementation that is specifically designed to support anti-ageing therapies in the salon, spa and clinic environment. Phone 020 8830 8030 or visit for more information.

The Nutribullet is available to buy for £99.99 from

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