Food Intolerance Sufferers Seek Self Help...

Food Intolerance Sufferers Seek Self Help...

... as GP's Struggle to Cope.

With half of the population suffering, often in silence, with the debilitating effects of food intolerance, a shocking 58% of GPs also admitted that they do not feel knowledgeable enough to give their patients advice about diet and nutrition, and ways to cope with their intolerances that don't involve medication. New research by Opinion Health announced on the 24th November 2011 shows 60% of GPs are seeing a rise of food intolerance amongst their patients.

The research also uncovered that a massive 72% of the population are unaware that they can test for intolerances and take responsibility for their own health by taking a reliable home-to-laboratory test. With Food Allergy and Intolerance Week just around the corner (23rd – 29th January 2012), this research underlines the importance of improving general understanding around the symptoms of food intolerance and the best way to take control.Yorktest

With food intolerance on the rise in the UK, today's news that GPs feel unable to advise on diet and nutrition is a concern, food intolerance symptoms can have a huge impact on sufferer's lives, causing a whole host of conditions ranging from bloating and IBS through to migraine, skin conditions and joint problems. By taking a simple pin-prick blood test, the combination of trigger foods, unique to each sufferer, can be uncovered, and teamed with specialist nutritional advice, overcoming intolerances can be simple and achievable. Identifying trigger foods can be a complicated process; for many people affected by the symptoms of food intolerance it is not a single food, but usually a combination of foods that cause a reaction, so the traditional approach of using an elimination diet to remove one food at a time may not uncover the whole picture.

Dr. Gill Hart, food intolerance expert and biochemist at YorkTest Laboratories

To help identify food intolerances, help is at hand from YorkTest Laboratories, Europe's leading provider of food and drink intolerance testing with over 25 years' experience. Recommended by leading medical charity Allergy UK, YorkTest food and drink intolerance tests can uncover potential food triggers, allowing people to simply modify their diets with life changing health benefits. YorkTest is the only complete Food and Drink Intolerance test that measures intolerances to foods and also ingredients found in beverages.

The YorkTest Food Intolerance Home Testing service is available online or by phone as a two stage process.

The First Step is available at the promotional price of £9.99 (RRP: £19.99). Following the First Step, if your result is positive you can then progress to the comprehensive laboratory analysis and nutritional support for £245. Unlike other more basic tests available, YorkTest customers will be fully supported with their dietary changes.

The YorkTest Food Intolerance Testing service offers comprehensive patient support that includes:

  • Two telephone consultations with a BANT registered nutritional therapist who will offer specific individual advice
  • Help on how to incorporate the recommended diet changes
  • A 12 week food diary with diet tips to help sufferers keep track of the changes they are making to their diet

Food Intolerance Tests can be purchased from or by calling free phone 0800 074 6185.

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