A Clear Solution for the Future

A Clear Solution for the Future

Glass is natural, sustainable and plays an important role in 'good living'.

It is pure. It was here before us … and will be for generations to come.

Glass is Life™ - It’s time for glass to shine...

Six reasons to choose glass:

Glass packaging allows products to deliver “true taste,” exactly as intended.
Glass does not deteriorate, corrode, stain or fade, so products inside glass containers remain as fresh as the day they were packaged.
Both consumers and food and beverage experts trust the purity of glass and its ability to naturally preserve product taste.
Glass is naturally healthy and safe.
The simple ingredients of glass – limestone, sand and soda ash – make it one of the purest, most natural, non-toxic packaging materials available.
Glass keeps products free from chemicals and ensures the health benefits of products are not compromised. It protects people.
Glass is 100 percent recyclable and can safely be reused.
Unlike other packaging materials, products packaged in glass do not come into contact with plastic linings.
Because of its natural ingredients and infinite recyclability, glass is the most sustainable packaging material available.
Glass delivers an unmatched level of quality. It builds brands regardless of product type or cost.
Glass elevates brands’ appeal to consumers, creates a superior experience through touch and feel and can differentiate brands with a unique shape.
Glass stretches packaging life beyond its original intent… bottles and containers can be used again and again for serving, storage, display and endless other purposes.
Glass knows no boundaries. It moves seamlessly from shelf to microwave to table to refrigerator.
Glass works with all food and beverage categories.
When a product is packaged in glass, consumers see it as intended.
Letting consumers see a product and its ingredients through transparent glass packaging shows that the brand owner has nothing to hide, is confident in its product and is trustworthy.

For centuries, people around the world have felt a natural connection to glass – an unspoken bond with, and value for glass as pure, natural, sustainable and healthy.

We’ve known for a long time that there are many reasons to love and trust glass. Today, O-I is poised to take a stand and give glass packaging a voice on the global stage. It’s time to back up what we – and generations of consumers over the centuries – have always known, and make the case for pure, sustainable, brand-building glass packaging.

This is the first global marketing campaign to communicate the benefits of glass packaging in sustaining the environment, preserving taste and quality, protecting health and building successful brands. As part of O-I’s commitment to changing the conversation, the company is launching a communication campaign in twelve countries and seven languages.

A movement is beginning

Consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable, healthy solutions and becoming bolder in their preference for glass packaging.

As the food and beverage market landscape gets more competitive, brands are investing in innovative ideas that will differentiate their products on the shelf and drive sales.

Now is the time to focus the conversation on glass packaging and remind brand builders that glass is the purest, most natural and widely-preferred packaging container. As the world’s largest producer of glass packaging, O-I has a responsibility to promote the benefits of glass and showcase innovations in glass packaging to the evolving marketplace.

Campaign targets:
Through this campaign O-I seeks to increase global demand for glass packaging.

By sharing the benefits of glass, we will be able to: -

  • elevate glass beyond the container
  • show how glass brings brands to life
  • inspire brand owners to rethink glass
  • ignite consumers’ desire to experience beautiful, versatile, charismatic glass containers

Consumers love glass: -
Based on a global study commissioned by O-I in November 2008 , consumers said that when faced with the option between glass and other packaging, they will choose glass first and would like to see more glass packaging options. 91% of consumers indicated they prefer glass, but only about 10% of foods are packaged in glass. In Europe, 74% of people prefer glass, and 65% choose it because it preserves taste best.

Consumers want to buy more products in glass: -
In the U.S., as recently as April 2011, nearly 70% of Americans said that if they could purchase their favourite food or beverage in any container, they would choose glass. In Europe, 60% of consumers would prefer to buy beer in glass, 40% would prefer to buy water in glass and 37% would prefer to buy soft drinks in glass.

Consumers know glass is healthy: -
90% of U.S. consumers said they agree with the statement that glass is the healthiest packaging available because it does not leach chemicals into the product.
82% of European consumers believe that some packaging materials may cause chemical interactions with food and drink that could result in a potential health risk, while 63% think that glass best guarantees their health safety.

Voices for glass: -
CEOs, brand managers, environmentalists, designers, parents and other thought leaders around the world have rallied behind the campaign to share their passion for glass packaging.
These voices for glass include: -

  • Sanpellegrino S.p.A. Chairman and CEO Stefano Agostini, who says glass uniquely showcases the S. Pellegrino brand. "Our glass bottle and its shape make our iconic brand. Green bottle…Blue Label…Red Star…this is the brand."
  • Monini Olive Oil CEO Zefferino Monini chooses glass because it best preserves the flavour of the product. "In contact with glass, our product stays exactly the way that nature made it."
  • Environmentalist Celine Cousteau, granddaughter of Jacques Cousteau, who prefers glass because it is natural, healthy and sustainable. "Glass is good to the ocean. Glass is made from sand. Glass is natural."
  • true fruits co-founder Nic Lecloux, says glass is the only material that reflects the brand identity and premium quality of his product. "Packaging has to have integrity; glass does. It’s clear. It’s natural. Glass feels honest, and that fits our brand."

Oi Logo www.glassislife.com

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  • Email: info@kokovamagazine.com
