Around the Table with Karen Kennaby

Around the Table with Karen Kennaby

As the 'Foodie Coach and Healthy Eating Mentor for Busy Women', Karen Kennaby has the knack for helping busy women to realise they can eat healthy, and enjoy it, whatever their schedule involves.

This knack is born from her own personal experience and a huge amount of training both in food and nutrition and in how the mind works.

There are some key steps that need to happen but you really can lose any excess weight, have more energy than you thought possible, eat food you love and as a result of all this - be more productive and enjoy all areas of life more than ever.

I know how challenging it appears...that unhealthy pattern of skipping meals, snacking on heavily processed "foods", living on caffeine hits, eating a sandwich "lunch" sat at the computer and post lunch slumps...I've been there, I've done that.

But just over eight years ago I totally changed all that and as a result I lost the excess weight I'd been carrying forever - and I've kept it off constantly since. I stopped suffering with my IBS (the relief from bloating, having wind and experiencing pain on a daily basis!) and I had more energy and found myself spontaneously singing as I went about my daily life (sometimes under my breath so as not to torture anyone!)Karen Kennaby

I work on a daily basis with women around the globe; busy women who want to eat better but don't think they can fit it into their life so they continue with take-aways, processed food and eating out; women who think they are eating healthy and can't understand why they have stubborn weight they can't shift, often 10lbs, and they feel sluggish.

I help my clients to get to the core of why the patterns have formed and then bust them. We create a new pattern that works, we find the keys to a sustainable and enjoyable way of eating and we establish a new way that has the weight gone and the comfort and energy boosted.

I do this on a one to one basis, either at home or over the phone or Skype. I also offer group coaching programmes and have an online club, the 'Joyful Eating Club' that provides delicious and healthy weekly eating plans with everything from breakfast through lunch, dinner and snacks, designed with the busy woman who wants to eat well and feel fabulous.

If you would like to find out more visit where you can sign up for some free recipes or request a free 20 minute discovery call with Karen, to get to know her and see how she can help you.

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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