Sukrin Sunflower and Pumkin Seed Bread Mix

Sukrin Sunflower and Pumkin Seed Bread Mix

As ever we are always on the search for a good 'free from' loaf and at the Natural & Organic Trade Show earlier this month we discovered a great little bread mix that is not only gluten and wheat free but soy, milk and yeast free too.

So with an air of trepidation and a pinch of curiosity we headed over to the Sukrin stand at the show to see if their bread passed our taste test.

And we were pleasantly surprised by what we found.

Sukrin Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds Free From Bread mix comes in its own little silver foil baking tray, oven ready bar a little mixing with some water.

By simply adding 300ml of water to the mixture provided and popping it back into the tray provided, you only need to leave the mix in the oven for 80 minutes on a low heat to have your very own fresh loaf, ready to eat!

But does it taste as good as it looks?

At the show the loaf was soft to touch, with a moist yet firm texture - making it easy to slice, with no crumbling and certainly no air bubbles; as is the case with a large proportion of free from breads.

The pumpkin and sunflower seeds make this a very nutty loaf, that would suit a nice slice of (dairy free) cheese and pickle, or a big dollop of (soya) butter, once toasted.

Ours did not come out quite so light and fluffy as the one we tested at the show so we may need to add a touch more water to the mix next time.

We cannot fault this loaf on taste although at approx £4.99 a tin it is quite pricey for such a tiny tin loaf but on the plus side it offers: -

  • Ultra low carbohydrate, only 1 g per slice!
  • No wheat, milk, yeast, soy or sugar
  • Easy to make, no kneading required
  • Gluten free

The bread contains 1 gram of carbohydrate, 58 calories per slice and 8.5 grams of dietary fibre - which is 36% less calories, 94% less carbohydrate and more than four times as much fibre compared to regular wholewheat bread.

The bread stays fresh for several days. Simply pop it in a bag in the fridge or freeze it for future use.

Sukrin also offer a sugar, gluten and wheat free cake mix that boasts 80% less carbohydrates to that of similar products.

Again we taste tested this at the Natural and Organic Show and the baking was too perfection. At home, while ours was just as good to look at, it did not have quite the same taste and we were left wondering just how the show ones had achieved such a great flavour.

What does Sukrin offer as a sugar alternative?

If you are looking for a sugar substitute and honey isn't to your taste then Sukrin have produced a natural low calorie alternative to brown sugar, in the form of Sukrin Gold. This looks and feels so similar to the genuine article that it will make a great alternative for anyone looking to improve on the sweeteners currently on the market.

All-natural Sukrin Gold is made of erythritol (>90%), which is made from glucose extracted from non-gm corn starch.

For more information on the Sukrin range visit

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