Start The Day Loving Your Food

Start The Day Loving Your Food

63% of people believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day and they're right.

It revives our energy levels after a night's sleep and sets us up for the day ahead.

But one in four of us skip breakfast at some time during the week.

Did you know?

  • 49% of adults say they struggle to get through the day if they miss breakfast.
  • 36% of adults agree that skipping breakfast leads to overeating later in the day.
  • 8.3 minutes is the average time taken to eat breakfast on a weekday.
  • An estimated one million tonnes of breakfast food - worth almost £2 billion - is thrown away every year.
  • Every month the average family throws away £50 of perfectly good food.

To reduce the amount of food thrown away, lots of people plan their meals for the week ahead. If you plan evening meals why not try it for breakfasts too?

It sounds complicated but it's not. Planning your breakfast is one of the most effective ways you can save time and cut waste.

Start by checking your fridge, freezer and store cupboard before you go shopping and write a list so you don’t buy things you've already got.

Get the kids to help by suggesting breakfasts they like Then work out a simple plan for the week ahead and help make the most of your weekly food budget.

Invigorate your breakfast every day of the week
There are lots of ideas for making breakfasts more interesting, even when time's short. If you plan what you're going to eat the evening before it saves loads of effort in the morning.

Speedy solutions
If you enjoy cereal try adding something different. Nuts and seeds make a healthy topping or use any flavour yoghurt instead of milk. Slice the last apple on top of your muesli or add a squeeze of orange for a zesty porridge treat. Add the last blueberries, strawberries or honey to any cereal, hot or cold.

The microwave is a great way to save time at breakfast. Use it to make quick porridge or re-heat baked beans.

Use porridge oats to make birchers. Just add yoghurt, fruit (tinned, fresh, frozen - whatever you have), fruit juice and honey to your oats and mix together. Make a big bowl, keep it in the fridge and use over the next few days.

Toast's always quick and easy in the morning. If you freeze sliced bread you can toast it straight form the freezer. Why not add some interesting toppings. Bananas and honey, leftover baked beans with a splash of chilli sauce, cream cheese and the last spoonful of jam, a sliced fresh tomato or leftover tinned tomatoes from yesterday's evening meal. Use your imagination - and your leftovers.

Older bread's perfect for making toast or fried bread and any pastries are good at breakfast-time including scones, tea cakes, fruit flans and crumpets.

For those mornings when you've got a bit more time, enjoy a lazy breakfast at home with friends and family. There are loads of ideas to choose from.

You can make pancakes or try an omelette with ingredients you’ve already got in the fridge - cheese, peppers, mushrooms, whatever's there. A full English breakfast's a great way to start the day and you can make hash browns to use up potatoes.

Try kedgeree if you've got fish in the fridge - it's tasty and filling and yoghurt and fruit make healthy smoothies and will keep up to two days in the fridge.

Why not use up leftovers at breakfast?
Try leftover baked beans, fresh or tinned tomatoes, and mushrooms. Even the smallest amount can add interest to your breakfast or serve as a kid's portion before they go to school.

And you can keep cooked bacon and sausages in fridge for up to two days, as long as you reheat them thoroughly. All they need is a few seconds in the microwave, great for a quick sandwich.

Try these quick and easy recipes to start your day:
French toast with honey
Use up your eggs and make pancakes
Make hash browns
Use up yoghurt and fruit in a healthy smoothie

For lots more breakfast recipes visit

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