Pick of the Day - Bianca Marton's Luxury Handmade Truffles

Pick of the Day - Bianca Marton's Luxury Handmade Truffles

In 2012 we met the lovely Bianca Marton and her exceedingly good handmade truffles.

"New shop open in Bretford with late opening until 8pm fron Tuesday - Saturday and Sunday hours from 10am until 7pm. What perfect timing for Christmas and so close to the City. Now everyone can enjoy Bianca's amazing creations!

With a passion for red berries and chocolates, we made an instant favourite with Bianca's Raspberry truffle, and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the box we bought too.Bianca Marton Gift Box

Originally from Hungary, Bianca's career moved her and her family to West London over seventeen years ago. It was meant to be a short assignment but things have a way of working out differently - and now this is home.

After getting a degree in economics, Bianca worked in large corporations in various planning and logistics roles. Her busy life did not leave a lot of time to look beyond the immediate demands of family and work. Then the time came when she got tired of it and wanted to do more for herself.

A re-organisation helped Bianca leave corporate life. First she became a life-coach and met a lot of people who were unhappy with their lives and tried to find out what they really wanted to do. Although coaching felt good, Bianca felt that something was still missing from her life.

Coaching had been a real eye-opener, and she realised that she was not where she wanted to be either. So Bianca decided to apply some self-coaching to find the answer.

The first discovery Bianca made was that she loved to create something tangible. The second was a love of being surrounded by happy people, especially is she was contributing to their happiness in any way.

A love of baking led on to a discovery of working with chocolate, and Bianca was hooked.

With a view that happy people live better lives, are healthier and care more for others, making truffles makes Bianca happy, and in turn that makes a lot of other people happy when they are enjoying the fruits of her labour.

For more information visit www.biancamarton.com

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