Love British Food 2012

Love British Food 2012

This year, British Food Fortnight which traditionally takes place during the autumn, runs at the same time as the Olympics under the title 'Love British Food 2012' 27 July - 12 August 2012.

Promotions are planned in thousands of shops, pubs and restaurants.

Family Feasts are being organised in disadvantaged areas of the country, bringing the Olympic spirit to deprived areas as part of the London 2012 Festival.

With an exciting new logo and patriotic promotional material bearing the slogans 'Be Patriotic!' and 'Support the home team!' the stage is set for a huge showcase of British food when the eyes of the world are upon us.

Some of the biggest retail and catering organisations are uniting behind Love British Food 2012 and, with more large organisations joining every week, the strongest line-up in the event's 11 year history is set to paint menus and shop-shelves red, white and blue.

Love British Food 2012 is working with the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG) to organise Family Feasts in Sure Start Children's Centres in disadvantaged areas of the country as part of the London 2012 Festival.

We are delighted to be working with British Food Fortnight. Food is as much a part of our culture as art, theatre and music and 2012 offers a fantastic opportunity to celebrate Britain's food heritage. Food and sport go hand in hand so what better way for people to enter into the spirit of the Games than by enjoying Britain's wonderfully diverse and delicious food with their friends, families and communities.

Ruth Mackenzie, Director of the London 2012 Festival

The aim is to give some of Britain's poorest families and communities the opportunity to come together to celebrate all the excitement of the Olympics.

Every centre taking part is being given hands-on support from a local chef who will work with centre managers and families to prepare a magnificent Family Feast for everyone using the centre and the wider community.

The organisers hope to help each centre with ingredients and Quality British Turkey has already signed-up to offering free boxes of turkey cuts to the first 25 Feasts taking part.

And you don't have to be a Sure Start Children's Centre to take part!

Food and sport go hand in hand and what better way is there of enjoying all the excitement of the Olympics than by having a delicious, patriotic Family Feast with your family and friends.

Hallmark Care Homes are doing just this with Family Feasts planned for the elderly and their families in all 17 of their homes. For details about what is happening and how you can get involved go to

Love British Food 2012 is sponsored by ARAMARK and is supported by a large family of over 70 organisations led by 3663, Brakes, Compass Group, Enterprise Inns, Fullers, The Garden Centre Group, Hallmark Care Homes, Harrison Catering, Quality British Turkey, Sodexo, Speciality Breads, SPAR (UK) and Whiting and Hammond.

2012 is likely to be the most patriotic year of our lifetimes. Food is a central part of all celebration and with the Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee we have the opportunity of a lifetime to show-off the best of British food to the world. Even in tough economic times the public will rally behind British food if they are given a reason to. So come on Britain, get ready to fly the Union Jack for Britain on your plates as well as on your bunting!

Alexia Robinson, organiser of the event

To find out how you can take part, order promotional material, sign up for monthly updates on the latest British food news and for details of what is happening near you visit:

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