Heinz Lead the Way with their Deliciously Gluten Free Pasta

Heinz Lead the Way with their Deliciously Gluten Free Pasta

Heinz have staked a claim in the free-from market with their Deliciously Gluten Free pasta range - producing pasta that is as good as, if not better, than their 'original' gluten-packed varieties.

We discovered their Deliciously Gluten Free Penne at the London 2013 Allergy & Free From Show in June and it really is the best gluten-free pasta we have tried to date.


We say Yes! - so much so that it is our main pasta choice now for all the family!

We were a little sceptical when we were first presented with a sample of the Heinz gluten-free penne and expected yet another so-so sample of powdery pasta that was trying to pass itself off as the 'real deal'. But from the first mouthful we were hooked, including those of us who don't even have to follow a free-from diet.

When our samples arrived we couldn't wait to try them all, spending the best part of the last week eating pasta at every mealtime. Our first choice to test was the Deliciously Gluten Free Penne.

Cooking in a shorter time than 'regular' pasta, it requires no additional fuss or preparation. We popped the pasta into boiling water, stirred occasionally, waited 7-8 minutes and drained. What could be more simple?Heinz Gluten Free

Heinz have also produced three gluten-free pasta sauces, with Frito, Oregano and Basil varieties to compliment their gluten-free pasta range.

Usually we will make our own sauces for pasta with tomatoes and pesto but for ease the Heinz cartons contain the perfect base sauce for adding your own ingredients to make an original recipe, or simply used as a stand alone accompaniment to their pasta.

Each carton contains enough sauce to generously cover pasta for two, which means you won't be left with half-used jars of sauce in the fridge.

Every time the pasta performed to perfection; even when we left some pasta to cool down for use in a salad, staying soft enough to eat throughout the day.

We put together a bolognese sauce to try with the Deliciously Gluten Free Spaghetti and this raised eyebrows even further. It was incredibly edible and certainly left us in no doubt that Heinz are market leaders in the free-from pasta stakes.

Possibly being more 'pasta-like' than the penne, those who did not know the spaghetti was free-from would still be none the wiser had they not seen the packaging.

We don't know what has taken Heinz so long in catching up in the free-from stakes but we are certainly glad they have.

And we are definitely adding their pasta ranges to our weekly shopping list. Next stop, the Deliciously Gluten Free Macaroni and some lactose free cheese.

For more information visit www.heinz.co.uk

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