Equinox Kombucha Offers a Fresh, New Way of Enjoying the Numerous Benefits of Kombucha Tea

Equinox Kombucha Offers a Fresh, New Way of Enjoying the Numerous Benefits of Kombucha Tea

At the Allergy & Free From Show at Olympia last week we discovered Equinox Kombucha, and their delicious range of refreshing teas.

But if you are expecting a traditional cup of tea then read on... because Equinox Kombucha have something far more exciting to offer.

With four delicious flavours to choose from including their Original, plus Raspberry & Elderflower, Wildberry and Ginger they have created a light, refreshing, sparkling drink that is perfect with a good meal, after an intense work out, or simply when the time is right.

Equinox Kombucha is a delicious and healthy alternative to regular sugar and caffeine based drinks.

Kombucha is an effervescent fermentation of sweetened tea and throughout the centuries Kombucha Tea has been named; "Immortality Tea", "Miracle Tea" and "Elixir of Long Life", suggestive of its curative and energising nature.

We tried the Wildberry and Ginger Kombucha at the Allergy & Free From Show (London 2013) and we have to say - it tasted nothing like tea!

We were expecting a cold, iced tea drink that had possibly been enhanced with various fruits or flavours. What we got were very lively bottles of fizz that certainly had a good body to them (they are best served cold, otherwise they can get a bit excited and should not be shaken before opening!).Equinox

Because we were expecting a mild tea drink we gave the bottles a little shake to mix them up and ended up with two very bubbly bottles that were already feeling the heat from the travel to the show.

Once we had settled the drinks we were able to sample the flavours and the taste is crisp, clean and very refreshing - not like anything we were expecting we are pleased to add.

Unlike a lot of sugary drinks, Equinox Kombucha have managed to create a drink that not only satisfies a sweet-tooth but doesn't leave a sugary coating on the tongue and actually feels like it has quenched your thirst rather than added to it.

We were split on favourite flavours. The Ginger tasted as good as any Ginger Ale and the Wildberry was sweet without being overly so.

If you are looking for a pick-me-up drink then we would certainly recommended these over many 'energy' drinks currently available. Or if you are simply looking for a refreshing drink that actually tastes good then Equinox Kombucha is a great choice.

Kombucha's yeasts and bacteria co-exist in a symbiotic colony, producing a naturally carbonated brew which combines sweet and sour in one refreshing mouthful and as people are seeking healthier lifestyles, the fermented beverage has gained worldwide popularity, particularly across America, where it is widely enjoyed.

Equinox Kombucha is a family business based in the valleys of Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire and they are absolutely passionate about the little wonder that is Kombucha, and truly believe in its infinite potential to improve people's wellbeing.

In order to give people one more alternative to assist in maintaining their health they are bringing Kombucha Tea into mainstream awareness and because they care about the planet and its people, they always choose ethically sourced ingredients, Fairtrade wherever possible - and always certified Organic.Equinox

A percentage of the profits of Equinox Kombucha will go into the development of humanitarian projects in the form of the Equinox Foundation for humanitarian and wild life projects and the conservation of rainforests.

What we've always wanted is to put together a humanitarian project and raise the awareness to sustainable living. Life decided we would take the Kombucha route to get there!

For more information visit www.equinoxkombucha.com

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