Edible Marketing from a Taste of Success

Edible Marketing from a Taste of Success

Taste of Success is a company with home baking at its heart, which is utilised to shape the marketing needs of other companies. It combines passion for baking with marketing and events expertise to offer your company the perfect edible marketing for your own brand.

Using homemade, preservative free ingredients you can be confident that the Taste of Success products are of the best quality and can be tailor made specifically for the requirements of their clients. They work closely with partners such as graphic designers, printers and packaging designers so the brand is presented clearly and professionally.

And for 2015 Taste of Success are expanding into the retail and wedding market, offering their quality products to tea rooms, shops and wedding planners throughout Surrey, Kent and Sussex with the Taste Bakery. Taste of SuccessIf you are planning a wedding then the Taste Bakery can offer an outstanding level of quality in personalised wedding favours, table decorations and wedding 'sweet shops'.

We met Eleanor Appleton, a trained pastry chef and one half of this creative team, who works with her mother to produce the Taste of Success range. Sampling the Lemon Meringue Marshmallow and Baileys Fudge that Eleanor brought along for us to try was a real pleasure and true indulgence.

Marshmallow has taken a turn away from being the tacky mould-able sugar confection of yester-year and has moved to a softer consistency, with many companies not quite hitting the mark with this new take on a traditional confectionery cube. We are very happy to confirm that where others have not quite succeeded, Taste of Success has triumphed and their melt-in-the-mouth mallow certainly has an edge that makes it stand out from the crowd.

Fudge has also seen a turn toward the soft side, with the familiar grainy texture of old making way for a smoother toffee-like finish. While some producers have taken this to an altogether more gooey level, Taste of Success have created a soft, silky texture that again melts in the warmth of your mouth, dispersing a rich creamy flavour.

If this sounds too good to be true then take a look at the fabulous pictures that Eleanor has added to the Taste of Success Facebook Page and you will understand our enthusiasm for this new and emerging company. It is definitely one to watch for 2015.

Taste of Success has also developed a new concept of cocktail cakes served in jam jars, with a range of seven popular cocktails including mojitos and porn star martinis. Eleanor was inspired by the concept of creating a cocktail jar cake when she was served a mojito in a jam jar. She then developed the concept using the ingredients of the Cuban cocktail as a starting point - and sourced beautiful bell jars that can be branded to the clients specification.

"When I came up with the idea I thought they would be perfect for companies to treat their staff and boost moral on a Friday afternoon. Delivered straight to their desk, to kick off the weekend early."

Eleanor Appleton

For more details visit www.tasteofsuccess.co.uk

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