Cirio's Tasty New Duo - Tried and Tested

Cirio's Tasty New Duo - Tried and Tested

Single-serve Passata Rustica offers an easier way to prepare single-serve authentic Italian dishes including soups, casseroles, stews and pasta sauces

Available in 350g twin pack jars, we put this duo to the test, along with the new Pizzassimo from Cirio; an authentic and convenient Italian pizza sauce topping, bursting with the taste of sun-ripened tomatoes.

We love to cook from scratch, using fresh ingredients and local produce - but when things get busy for convenience we head for a jar of 'someone else has done the hard work' - and this we found in the new Passata Rustica duo and Pizzassimo from Cirio.

Cirio's Pizzassimo

We taste tested the Pizzassimo by creating our own twist on a pizza snack. Taking a ready rolled sheet of puff pastry, we loaded the top with the Pizzassimo sauce and topped it off with chicken breast, cheese and mushrooms before popping in onto a baking tray and into the oven.

Most of our homemade pizzas are created with a spread of tomato pureé or a splattering of roughly chopped tomatoes - and we have to say, from now on Cirio's Pizzassimo sauce has got to be the new alternative.

What a fantastic jar of topping. The flavour is amazing and received a resounding 'YES' from everyone who tried it.

If you are looking for a pizza sauce the Pizzassimo from Cirio is most certainly the one to choose!

Cirio's Passata Rustica

When it came to the Passata Rustica we opted for a standard bolognese and used one jar to replace our usual chopped tomatoes and puree. The consistency of the sauce is fine, yet still holds enough shape to work well and add bulk to the meat. The taste is exceptionally good; a little sharp while still holding a little sweetness.

We used the second jar in a Cottage Pie. We always add tomatoes into the meat to add bulk and flavour - and the Passata Rustica worked just as well - if not better than our usual brand. The finely chopped tomatoes had no large lumps or hard parts included and while they held their texture they didn't over power the other ingredient.

On the whole Cirio have got these two products spot-on. They taste as good as they look and offer fresh flavours in a convenient package.

To find out more about the whole Cirio range and for more tips and delicious recipes visit

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