British Baker Launches National Cupcake Week 2012

British Baker Launches National Cupcake Week 2012

Search for Britain's best pro cupcake baker begins...

As sales of the ubiquitous cupcake continue to flourish, British Baker magazine launches its search to find Britain's best cupcake baker 2012.

Professional cake specialists, craft and in-store bakeries across the UK are invited to enter the competition in the run up to National Cupcake Week, which takes place from September 17th - 23rd 2012.

Now in its fourth year, National Cupcake Week celebrates and supports the growth of an industry sector which has spawned a raft of new businesses across the UK and stimulated innovation in what has become a highly popular classic.

Every year, premier bakers across the country come together to compete for the coveted cupcake crown. This is a hotly contested tournament which showcases the vibrancy of a sector which continues to innovate, evolve and surprise.

Martyn Leek, British Baker editor

More than 100 craft and in-store bakers are expected to vie for this year's title which will be judged on taste, flavour and innovation.

The competition closes on May 18th, with a panel of top judges convening at the ICA in London on July 2nd. Their job will be to find a winning cupcake across six categories, one of which will be chosen as the overall national champion.

Last year's competition saw 66 bakers vie for the title.

The winner was Jennifer Buls of Absolute Treats in who won three cupcake categories with her lime and coconut vegan cupcake.

Since her win, Jennifer has opened new tearooms in St Clear, Carmarthenshire. Previous champions include David Bennett from the Sunshine Bakery in Leeds and Kevin Sibley of Mama’s Cupcakes in Cheshunt, Herts.

National Cupcake Week itself will include a range of activities and events up and down the UK including masterclasses, cupcake decorating sessions, charity bake sales and in-store activities

The sponsors of National Cupcake Week 2012 are the Welsh based baking case manufacturer Chevler, the cocoa and chocolate products manufacturer Barry-Callebaut, California Raisins and the ingredients suppliers Puratos and Orchard Valley Foods.

For further information on how to take part in National Cupcake Week and enter the championships, please visit

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