Boost Your Antioxidants with the Black Rice of Vietnam

Boost Your Antioxidants with the Black Rice of Vietnam

Swapping out potatoes and pasta for rice is a good way to keep your grain intake up, whilst consuming a good source of complex carbohydrates - but did you know that by switching to black rice you could also be boosting your antioxidant intake?Vietnamese Black Rice

With the Black Rice of Vietnam you can add a nutty flavour and bolder texture to your dishes, while increasing your intake of beneficial foods.

Black rice, also known as forbidden rice, provides beautiful contrast in meals, a delicious rich nutty taste and a high content of natural antioxidants Anthocyanin, vitamins, fibres and minerals.

Anthocyanins fight disease and cancer in your body and are also found in raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. Anthocyanin is responsible for the purple color of black rice and this antioxidant is easily absorbed in your body. Black rice is also a good source of Vitamin E, iron and calcium - without containing any salts or sugars.

While black rice takes a little longer to cook, you will end up with a slightly larger grain, with a full-flavoured nutty taste. This makes it ideal for adding to salad, using for a risotto and as an alternate bed for your favourite curry. The water from the rice can also be drained and served as a drink, to ensure the maximum benefit from the antioxidants contained within the grain.

The vacuum-packaged rice we received from Rice of Vietnam returned more quantity per kilo than our 'regular' rice, with each packet filled to brimming with an abundance of rice grains.

After we had made a full-sized rice pudding, enjoyed a rice salad and cooked enough for a family meal we still have more than half the packet left. Kilo for kilo the Black Rice of Vietnam goes a long, long way.

And by buying from Thuy Pham, director at BHMT Ltd - Importer of the first and only Vietnamese organic black rice range in the UK, you will be helping her to help the producers.

"Our rice is produced in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. The first variety of rice with a combination of flavour, aroma and texture from both basmati and jasmine rice. The products are certified organic, free from pesticides and chemicals, and with premium quality. Our company also donates a percentage of sales profits to help improving living standards of local farmers and the continuation of sustainable projects."

Thuy Pham

Rice of Vietnam is available in three different combinations:

  • BLACK RICE (1kg/2.2lbs)

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