Award Winning Gluten-Free CELIA Hits the Spot

Award Winning Gluten-Free CELIA Hits the Spot

Labelled as a lager beer, CELIA is this year's winner in the Gluten Free Beer category at the Free From Food Awards and is a welcome addition for many people who follow a gluten-free diet - and an added bonus to those who don't!Celia Courtyard

Tasting as good as any quality bottled lager, this refreshing drink is already listed in a host of London's top restaurants that offer gluten-free foods and will soon be available throughout the UK.

We waited until the sun was shining, the weather was hot and the lager cold before we cracked open a couple of bottles for our CELIA taste test.

As established Asahi drinkers, we noticed with interest that the same world famous Saaz hops were also used in the CELIA production.

Saaz is the champagne region of lager brewing as the local hops produce a beautiful clean, spicy bitterness - which combined with the lack of gluten and natural carbonation makes CELIA an ideal accompaniment to quality food.

Regular lager drinkers should note that a lack of gluten doesn't distract from the taste but creates a lighter more enjoyable lager.

With its clean, crisp taste this lager really hits the spot and carries through on flavour, without an unpleasant bitter after-taste. Slightly sweet, CELIA leaves the palate clean and ready for more.

It didn't get too fizzy on us, throwing little gas back from the bottle. Once poured it attempted to head but settled for calm and collected.

On par with many of the leading brands of 'regular' lager, CELIA is perfect on its own, with a meal or ideal for a summer's BBQ - pop a case in a bucket of ice, relax and enjoy!

With an average price in the region of around £2.20 a bottle this is certainly a fair price for a great lager beer.

CELIA is currently in negotiation with major retail chains and supermarkets and is already available in a number of restaurants and bars, mainly in the London area, as well as online stores accessed via

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