Award Winning Gluten- and Wheat-free Cakes from Honeybuns

Award Winning Gluten- and Wheat-free Cakes from Honeybuns

Next month sees the start of Coeliac Awareness Week, 14th - 20th May and we are continuing our search for gluten-free alternatives.

Recently we stumbled upon Honeybuns and their "award winning gluten- and wheat-free cakes" and it is clear that the people behind Honeybuns take their business seriously and have tremendous pride in their work.

For us, Honeybuns hits the spot!

Beautifully presented with every attention to detail, our Honeybun tin contained a variety of six cake slices, all individually packaged and clearly labelled.

All of the slices were gluten-free so we gathered opinions from a variety of people - including a coeliac sufferer, a gluten intolerant dieter and someone who doesn't have any dietary restrictions. Honeybuns Test

Everyone has their favourite flavour and Honeybuns caters for this with an extensive range of cakes and sponges combined with fruit, nuts and chocolate.

With the majority of us being pure chocoholics it was an obvious choice to start with the Milk Chocolate Brownie.

Declared "The best brownie on the market" by celebrity chef Lesley Waters, this little slice had a lot to live up to - and it did.

Having tried many brownies between us we felt we had good experience to base our decision on and we had to agree - this is one brownie that is hard to beat - on taste, texture and flavour!

If you like coffee then this is the brownie for you - but if you avoid the coffee chocolates in the selection boxes then we urge you to try this brownie, you could be very surprised.

Prefer dark chocolate? Honeybuns also caters for the dark chocolate and orange lover. A slightly heavier slice, packed with Belgian dark chocolate and orange, their Heathcliffe Brownie will certainly satisfy your desire for an indulgent fix.

Think Millionaire's Shortcake meets Rocky Road and you will be somewhere to close on the Honeybuns Congo Bar. We couldn't decide if this actually topped the brownie or came a close second on pure indulgence and decadence. Absolutely stunning!

For something light and refreshing we found the Snowy Hills delicate and tangy, with a hint of lemons and a touch of ginger. No one flavour overpowering another, this slice has a moist sponge texture combined with a shortbread base (unlike some free-from sponges that can be dry and powdery).

Equally delicate in texture, the Coppice cake was melt-in-the-mouth. A very tasty slice with hints of cranberry to offset the chocolate and hazelnut - perfect!

Last but by no means least, if your cake of choice is a bakewell slice then the Almond Moon is the one for you. Where a bakewell can leave you feeling a little heavy, the Almond Moon has a similar taste but without the weight.

Having tried a variety of gluten-free cakes and treats, including biscuits and brownies - as well eating those that are not free-from, we all found the Honeybuns experience one that was definitely worth repeating.

Why these little gems are not readily available in every supermarket free-from aisle is a mystery but you can easily purchase the whole range directly from Dorset via their online shop.

The entire selection tested was moist and fresh. Honeybuns manage to retain individual flavours within each cake, without any one flavour overpowering the next.

Our testers who were not on a restricted diet found that these cakes were equal to, if not better than some available on the broader market, while our coeliac sufferer was delighted to finally find a cake that lived up to expectations.

If you are taking part in the Coeliacs Challenge 2012 or you know someone who follows a gluten-free diet, then pop over to Honeybuns to see what you are missing.

Honeybuns - perfect for a personal treat, fabulous for a birthday or special occasion and delightful just to send to someone as a rainy day surprise.

We taste tested the following Honeybun slices: -
Congo Bar - Gluten-free polenta shortbread topped with caramel and nuts
Almond Moon - Gluten-free polenta cranberry and almond slice
Heathcliffe Brownie - Gluten-free dark chocolate brownie with orange
Milk Chocolate Brownie - Gluten-free milk chocolate brownie with coffee
Snowy Hills - Gluten-free ginger & polenta shortbread with a lemon sponge topping
Coppice Cake - Gluten-free hazelnut, chocolate & cranberry sponge

For more information, availability and to order online visit

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