Vegan, Vegetarian or Meat-Eating March

Vegan, Vegetarian or Meat-Eating March

March is Veggie Month, but it is also the month when many people will celebrate National Butcher Week (25th - 31st) and Bacon Connoisseurs Week (22nd - 28th).

Here at Kokova we try to give you as much information as possible - on the many choices available - so you make your own informed choices. By bringing you (the reader) as much information on the different produce that is available, you can choose to shop in a variety of different ways. For some, a weekly trip to the supermarket sorts out the family shop in one - for others, a more individual approach means sourcing a local farm shop and scouring the internet for more local producers to cater for all the family's needs.

Supermarkets are becoming more aware of the diverse taste of their customers and have started to fill their shelves with a few local home-grow produce. Whatever way you shop - we want you to be able to find out as much information before you go to make the process a whole lot easier. If you are a meat eater then you may be happy with the 'basic' range available to you - or you may want to only buy organic or free-range meat. For those who go vegetarian or vegan, the supermarket can still cater for your everyday needs - but so could your local farm shop.

We want too encourage our readers to think about supporting their local producers and find ways to get involved in their local community. Whatever you choose, the diet and lifestyle choices you make - we want to help make them a little easier...

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