Are You Ready to Support Independent, Individual and Small Businesses?

Are You Ready to Support Independent, Individual and Small Businesses?

At Your Source one of our main aims has been to support and highlight start-up companies, smaller business owners and independent, individual people doing what they love with a passion while producing fabulous products along the way.

My name is Sue and for the last four years I have been passionate about Your Source Today (Kokova Magazine) and this is why...

We love food and drink, travel events and lifestyle choices at Your Source and have been showcasing as many independent producers as possible, highlighting food events and days out and still including some of the great companies that have made it big already.

We want to continue with this and support the companies that are just starting out, trying to grow or stay afloat in the current economic climate. If we do not buy from smaller companies or look after our communities we will end up losing them.Kokova Magazine

And this support should not be limited to just our local communities. If you travel away from home on business, go on holiday anywhere in the world or enjoy days and nights out you can still show your support for the areas you visit, by shopping local, eating out, supporting another community or finding accommodation that uses local produce or in turn supports the independent producer.

You can still enjoy luxury accommodation and the finer things in life, just think about where items have been made and who has been paid to make or produce them.

Often these small businesses are self-funded and working on a non-existent budget - with word-of-mouth and social media being their only advertising options. For all, their products speak for themselves, yet as good as the product gets it still needs to be seen and tried for word to spread.

In today's modern world the internet is a great place to start, with new websites springing up every day. But in the vastly crowded 'www' having a website does not necessarily mean people will come and look.

In order to grow companies still need to advertise in some way but the majority cannot afford advertising costs. At Your Source our aim is to spread the word by whatever means are possible.

Unfortunately, we cannot support them without some support ourselves and we are looking for sponsorship from some of the bigger companies; companies who may themselves have started out small, companies that are still UK-based or companies that are still family run or simply companies that have a genuine desire to support others.

We are going to increase our online presence with a growing collection of editorials, sharing the stories and details of some of the many companies we have discovered and are still discovering - many businesses that started out with a small idea and one person putting in all their waking hours to make something they are truly passionate about.

Our aim is to highlight some fantastic producers along with offering our readers alternatives for their weekly shop, travel destinations, lifestyle choices and great competition prizes.

Together we can all show our support and keep people in business - bringing us the products they produce - and the stories they can tell.

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