Win a Copy of 'Two Weeks in the Super Fast Lane' by Fiona Kirk

Win a Copy of 'Two Weeks in the Super Fast Lane' by Fiona Kirk

Competition now closed.

Congratulations to winners: Sheri Darby (London) - Julie Savage (Essex) - Simon Harrington (Shropshire).

Fiona Kirk, nutritionist and author, is back with a new super speedy fat loss plan that offers dieters the opportunity to face the pre-holiday bikini panic head on and shed fat fast - especially for those occasions when time is super tight and desperate measures are required.Two Weeks in the Super Fast Lane - Fiona Kirk

2 Weeks in the Super Fast Lane is a fast diet, where most people regularly report losing around 7lbs in a week and more importantly, a few inches off hips, bums and tums. It also allows for a little holiday indulgence which won't result in having to leap into a crazy crash diet to undo the damage when returning home.

Here's how it works and why:

  • You eat and enjoy 2 or 3 filling and satisfying meals a day resulting in plenty of nourishment, increased fat burning and little or no hunger and cravings
  • You eat meals when you are actually hungry rather than adhering to the classic breakfast, lunch and dinner mantra resulting in you eating less in a day without really being aware that you are
  • You leave 5 hours between meals and don’t snack which gives the fat burning hormones ample time to get into action and burn stored fat for energy rather than squirrelling excess calories away in our fat cells for later
  • You drink between meals but not with meals, prompting improved digestion and no bloating
  • You have 3 days where no starchy carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and other grains) are included but every 4th day they are so cravings for sugar and starch are kept under control
  • You include vegetables with every meal but not those high in fibre which can be hard to digest and often result in frustrating waistband woes
  • You eat fruit to reap their health-enhancing benefits but not with other foods - an important, hunger-busting, sweet and delicious exception to the no snacking rule
  • You use top dollar butter and nut and seed oils for cooking, spreading and drizzling to benefit from their wealth of ‘good’ fats and leave health-disrupting butter alternatives and overly-processed oils firmly on the supermarket shelf
  • You plan ahead, wherever possible and cook/freeze your meals - research shows that we are 80% less likely to ‘cheat’ on a diet when we have wholesome and satisfying meals to hand
  • You supplement your diet (optional) with certain good quality products that can help to cut cravings, improve digestion and accelerate fat loss when used sensibly
  • Plus...You indulge in a chocolate 'fix' every day! Dark chocolate (the darker the better) rightly deserves its super food medal thanks to the wealth of healthy fats, the plant chemicals that prompt the release of hormones that make us feel happy and rewarded and its ability to knock sugar cravings on the head, fast. There's a lot to love about chocolate and a small bar every day should be regarded as a friend to any diet. It’s not fattening, it's fabulous!

Many of us are guilty of leaving it too late but all is not lost. We can shed a few pounds fast as long as we avoid the temptation to go mega low on calories. The semi-starve route may result in us hitting the beach day one feeling lighter and leaner but as soon as we start to relax into a holiday and enjoy ourselves, the iron discipline wavers and the pounds invariably pile back on.

The most frustrating thing about many quick fix diets is that they invariably involve copious amounts of calorie counting, require that you stick like glue to the 'rules' and it's often impossible to continue with a prescriptive plan whilst on holiday so things tend to go a bit pear-shaped. Holidays are all about having fun but sticking with the basic principles of my super fast diet is pretty stress-free and if you find time before you go to ensure you have a few meals in the freezer for your return home, those few days of throwing caution to the wind on holiday won't cause any lasting damage.

Fiona Kirk

2 Weeks in the Super Fast Lane is available in paperback from all Amazon sites priced £5.99

Competition open to UK residents only. The winner will be notified by email. Please read the full terms and conditions, in particular the competition terms section.

We have three copies of Fiona's book to give away. For your chance to win a copy simply submit your details in the form below.

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