Win a Copy of 'The Muscle Whisperer: The Keys to Unlocking Your Back Pain' by Sophia Kupse

Win a Copy of 'The Muscle Whisperer: The Keys to Unlocking Your Back Pain' by Sophia Kupse

Competition now closed.

Congratulations to winner: Teresa Sheldon (East Sussex) - Pamela Cook (Berkshire) - Caroline Blaza (Norwich).

Sophia Kupse reveals how, through 20 years of research, backed by scientific evidence, our subconscious thought patterns trigger back pain. If left untreated, this leads to headaches, sleepless night, pains in the arms, legs, face and much more. The Muscle Whisperer - The Keys to Unlocking Your Back Pain

"Back pain reflects our past and most people who carry a lot of back pain find it difficult to let go of it," says Sophia Kupse - Holistic Practitioner and author of the new breakthrough book: The Muscle Whisperer: The Keys to Unlocking Your Back Pain which approaches neck, shoulder & back pain in a unique way, questioning whether our back pain is created through physical impact or is it our thoughts that manifest our pain?

"Whether it was a difficult childhood, relationship or loss of a loved one - there will always be an emotional reason behind a physical pain. The emotional stress you hold onto starts to manifest in your body and held in the back muscles, until one day you feel it as physical pain."

After her own personal experience of back pain when she was hit whilst stationery in her car by a drink driver on Christmas Eve 1987, Sophia suffered multiple injuries which took nine months of rehabilitation, including learning to walk again. It was during her convalescence that she began to understand how the power of the mind triggered the body's natural ability to self heal and by tapping into her own subconscious mind, she could prevent feeling any pain.

This life changing experience led to Sophia to foundering one of the most advanced holistic back pain treatments available, 'Langellotti Tri-Therapy' (LT Therapy as it is generally known), favoured by actress Liv Tyler.

LT Therapy is a three-way treatment using her advanced massage technique, volcanic heat and ice marble that releases emotional & physical stress and trauma held in the neck, shoulder & back muscles.

The new book combines a fresh approach on how we look at pain. With the perfect recipe for recovery using the 'Elimination Diet' and combining it with a corrective exercise plan, back pain can be prevented. Sophia quashes the myths about back pain and challenges the traditional routes of treatment, questioning why sufferers, who engage in these highly recommended routes, only temporarily escape the syndrome of back pain for it to reoccur again and again.

The Muscle Whisperer: The Keys to Unlocking Your Back Pain by Sophia Kupse is available in paperback via Amazon priced £7.99.

Sophia Kupse is a qualified Holistic Practitioner working with Eastern & Western therapies for over 20 years. She has a clinic in Harley Street London and in Leeds, West Yorkshire. For more information visit

Competition open to UK residents only. The winner will be notified by email. Please read the full terms and conditions, in particular the competition terms section.

We have three copies of Sophie's book to give away. For your chance to win a copy simply submit your details in the form below.

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