Pancake Filling Comments Competition - Our Winner's Review

Pancake Filling Comments Competition - Our Winner's Review

The Source caught up with Rachel Cresswell - winner of our Pancake Filling Competition and got her thoughts and feedback on the 'Yummy Chocolate Selection' prize that we sent out to her.

" I was really excited to have won the Pancake Competition back in March 2011 and I knew a prize of chocolate was on the way.

I was not prepared for the package of gorgeousness that was sent to me - the nearest I will ever get to having a Willy Wonka experience for grown-ups.

As I opened the box I saw packets, lollipops and small bars of chocolate, beautifully presented and looking divine.

My immediate thought was 'these are too good for me to eat - I must use them as gifts'.

I am pleased to say that I overcame that fairly quickly........."



Here are Rachel's thoughts on each one.

Cocoapod - Bookmark and Easter Bunny Lolly:
The bookmark was decorated with colourful fish and the lolly looked beautiful - having been 'painted' with bunnies in pink. The pictures were charming and I included these items in my daughters Easter Egg hunt.

The chocolate itself was milk chocolate and as smooth and creamy as I could have wished for - I was allowed to 'share' some - and both items were generous in size. They were a big hit and felt very special.

The bookmark would make a great gift for any bookworm and could maybe be given with a book token to liven up a practical pressie.

Cocoapod - Chocolate drops:
These came in different flavours and it was good fun exploring which was which. Again, many variations on milk chocolate and rather nice. These were presented to my friends in an oversized mug for sharing and did not last very long. Unlike other assorted flavoured chocs there was not an unpopular one!

Paul Wayne Gregory - Three Chocolate Lollies:
Definitely for the adults. These were sumptuous. The thick chocolate shell gave way to a thick caramel middle and popping candy exploded in the mouth at the same time.

The chocolate and caramel were delicious and not too sweet - both were velvety and sheer joy to devour.

The packet contained three lollies and was saved on the top shelf for when a 'special treat' was needed.

Rococo - Chocolate Bars:
Now these have been a revelation. Only small in terms of the amount of chocolate but big in terms of taste and satisfaction. Definitely aimed at the luxury market and I can imagine holding its own against stiff competition.

I was lucky enough to be sent three flavours - and each delivered in its very own but very powerful way.

The Chilli Pepper Organic Dark Chocolate Bee Bar realised its hit the instant I had swallowed the first bite. Oh Lord - what a kick. I shared it with a work colleague - and she laughed at me - only to have the look register on her face as she experienced the same shot of heat. Many chilli bars I have enjoyed have been hot while in the mouth but this one travelled down into the depths of my belly - it would be a great source of fire in the winter on a long walk.

I also enjoyed a floral bar (Orange & Geranium Organic Dark Chocolate Bee Bar) and my initial thoughts were 'is this a bit old lady' - but I banished these as soon as I tasted it. A balance of floral notes and chocolate was perfect, perfect, perfect and at no time did it become too much - which is always a danger with this type of flavouring.

The final bar was milk chocolate (37% Organic Milk Chocolate Bee Bar) and as smooth and creamy a bar that I have ever enjoyed.

Each bar had little bees as a pattern upon it and as I said, each was smaller than many commercial bars but so much more satisfying. I am currently pregnant and rather overdue - my chocolate consumption has risen greatly but given the choice of any type of chocolate on the market these are my most desired.

Praise indeed!

Feeding Your Imagination Three Bar Selection Box:
Beautifully presented and also great fun. One of my bars was named 'Beautiful' - which was a green light to go ahead and beautify oneself. There are several bars to chose from - each containing essential oils and natural ingredients.
The chocolate itself was not my favourite but I had been spoiled rotten by this time in terms of the amount of amazing chocolate I had been sent.

It may have been that the flavours, which are original and varied, were not as much to my taste but the chocolate did not seem as creamy and as 'melt in the mouth' as I had expected.

However still a fun gift idea - especially for those who want to chose from a range of very different flavours that you could almost convince yourself were good for you!

Cocoapod - Chunky Orange Bar:
Not a bar I would have thought to have picked up for myself so thank you to sending it to me! Surprisingly nice - it reminded me of my childhood but in a refined way. It has a lovely 'mouth' feel and was enjoyed by my friends and I - along with the chocolate drops - as a fun but tasty treat.

Rachel Cresswell - Warwickshire

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