Start Your Day the Nutriblast Way

Start Your Day the Nutriblast Way

There is no denying that our greatest gadget find for 2014 was the Nutribullet. Yet unlike most kitchen gadgets, the Nutribullet was not a fashion fad, a quirky weekend hit or a short-lived affair. It has become a full-blown romance and one we nurture and attend to every day.Nutriblast at the ready!

Our love of this product is without question and our morning alarm call is more often the whir of the Nutribullet motor instead of our mobile alarm.

This morning our #nutriblast recipe consists of a few key ingredients to get us started for the day.


  • Whole banana
  • Large handful of fresh spinach (to fill half the cup)
  • Small handful of frozen or fresh red berries
  • Handful of crushed oats
  • 10 whole almonds
  • Half a small avocado
  • Add water to 'fill' line


  1. Add all the ingredients to the Nutribullet tall cup and screw on the blades.
  2. Give it a good blast on the Nutribullet base unit.
  3. Remove blades, add cup lip and enjoy!

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