Saint Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day

Mention Valentine's Day and you are sure to get a split reaction from those around you.

But do we really need a dedicated day to remind us that we are in love or loved?

And whose idea was it anyway?

Many people relish the chance to spoil their loved ones but other people without a 'significant other' can feel left out on this special day - or celebrate S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day) instead.

What is Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day, or St Valentine's Day, is celebrated every year on 14 February and is a day Love Bearwhen people can express their affection towards another person. This is most commonly shown by sending an anonymous card, flowers or chocolates - complete with a message of love.

Although the day gets its name from a famous saint, there are several stories of who he was. The most popular story suggesting that St Valentine was a priest from Rome - who lived in the third century AD.

The first Valentine message is thought to be a poem from Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife in 1415 - but Valentine's Day didn't become popular in the UK until around the 17th century.

By the 18th century it was traditional for people to swap handwritten messages of love and affection although it didn't take long before printed cards were produced to replaced these, making it easier for people to say 'I love you' in secret.

Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated worldwide and it is not just about sending messages to people you love - you can also just say you care!

In the UK, a massive amount of money is spent on Valentine's Day gifts that includes flowers (especially roses), teddy bears and cards.

With the dawn of the millennium came an electronic explosion in text messaging - with many people now sending out a Valentine text message on February 14th.

Who said romance was dead!

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