Armed Forces Day 2011

Armed Forces Day 2011

This year’s Armed Forces Day (AFD) will be held on Saturday 25th June. Edinburgh will be hosting the UK national event for Armed Forces Day but as a nation we hope the whole country will be getting involved.

The aim of AFD is to boost public support and appreciation of all those who serve and have served in HM Armed Forces and the theme is ‘Show Your Support’.

AFD provides an opportunity for the UK public to recognise the contribution that the Armed Forces community make, and have made, and for the Armed Forces and veterans to know that they are valued and enjoy the respect and support of both the Government and the nation.

Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir David Richards said:

I am delighted to be in Edinburgh again this year, now as Chief of the Defence Staff, to take part in the national event celebrations.

Armed Forces Day is in its third year and from the start has inspired the nation to show their support for the servicemen and women of the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force at events across the country.

Time and again these individuals inspire us with their courage and professionalism. In recent years their achievements in operational theatres around the world, not least Afghanistan but recently also in Libya, have brought home to all of us what extraordinary people they are, especially when many have made the ultimate sacrifice in the Service of their country.

It is not just serving personnel who we pay tribute to on Armed Forces Day, but the wider Forces community: service families, veterans of all ages, the Cadet Forces, and the adult volunteers who support them. All deserve our praise and support on this special day.

National and local events:

At the national event in Edinburgh, events will begin in Leith on the afternoon of Friday 24th June, including tours of HMS Portland, a Royal Navy Type 23 Armed ForcesFrigate, and various water-based displays in Leith Docks, culminating in a full display by the Red Arrows over the Firth of Forth.

There will also be the opportunity to watch a Royal Marine Commando display, a Royal Navy Field Gun Display, and displays by the Cadets.

On Armed Forces Day itself (Saturday 25th June), a parade of up to 1,500 serving personnel, veterans and cadets will march down the Royal Mile from the Castle Esplanade to Holyrood Park.

The parade will end with a short ceremony of thanks – a Drumhead Ceremony – and this will be followed by a packed afternoon of events and entertainment for all the family, including flypasts by military aircraft, Highland dancing, music and a Veterans' Village.

The day’s celebrations will end with a Beating Retreat, a long-standing military tradition which now marks the end of a ceremonial occasion.

The Edinburgh International Film Festival will also be premiering Danfung Dennis's award-winning feature film 'Hell and Back Again' as part of this year’s Edinburgh International Film Festival in collaboration with the Armed Forces Day cultural programme.

Other celebrations are planned on Sunday 26th June including a military fitness session, Massed Pipes and Drums, and more entertainment including a Battle of the Bands competition, making a fantastic weekend of celebrations.

Further information about how Edinburgh council are supporting AFD can be found here.

Local events are happening up and down the country over the two week period around Armed Forces Day (18 Jun – 3 Jul).

Events range from parades and fairs to dinners and dancing to a taxi pull challenge.

To find your nearest event visit

Uniform to Work Day

‘Uniform to Work Day’ will be happening on Wednesday 22nd June 2011. This will apply to all Service personnel who do not normally wear their uniform when on duty or at work. It is aimed to encourage all Reserve Forces personnel to wear uniform to work on 22nd June 2011, where this is compatible with MOD procedures and local security considerations.

Wear Your Veterans Badge to Work

In parallel with ‘Uniform at Work Day’, veterans employed at MOD Establishments are encouraged to wear their H.M. Armed Forces Veterans Badge on Wednesday 22nd June.

Promoting this concept will encourage others who are eligible to apply for their Veterans Badge and raise awareness in the workplace of the valuable contribution veterans continue to make after leaving the Armed Forces.

More information and details of how to apply for the H.M. Armed Forces Veterans Badge can be found at Forces Air

Fly the Flag for Our Armed Forces

The Devolved Administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, together with the Regional Governments in England and every local authority in the UK, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man will be again invited to fly an AFD flag (‘Fly the Flag for our Armed Forces’) during the week preceding AFD.

In 2010 every local authority in Wales, England and Scotland and nearly all in Northern Ireland flew an Armed Forces Day flag. Flags will also be available to members of the public through Zephyr Flags

Celebrity endorsement

There are a whole host of celebrity names that have signed up to support AFD once again this year including David Beckham, the cast of Emmerdale, Forces’ sweetheart Katherine Jenkins, and Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton.

Ways you can 'Show Your Support'

There are lots of simple ways for you to show your support if you are not able to attend the national event.

There are hundreds of local and community events taking place across the UK and include street parties, parades and concerts.

‘Fly a Flag’ for Armed Forces Day. Buy through the official AFD supplier.

Join nearly 850,000 current followers that have already signed up to the AFD Facebook page in support of the event. Afd Primary

Post photos and leave messages of support for the Forces and veterans on the website.

Find out other ways to keep up to date and in touch here.

Register your name/event to keep in touch online and get a free AFD window sticker.

All pictures © UK MOD Crown Copyright 2011

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