Britain's Favourite Food Spot

Britain's Favourite Food Spot

Lincolnshire is the surprise winner of a public poll to find Britain’s Favourite Food Spot, seeing off tough competition from Cornwall and Hampshire.

The poll was conducted to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the national food celebration, British Food Fortnight, which starts this weekend 17 September - 2 October.

People may be a little surprised that Lincolnshire has won as it is not often described as a foodie destination. But its regional specialities are enjoyed nationwide and it has an incredibly strong farming community that has mounted a ferociously determined campaign to garner the necessary votes to win. With the Face of this year's British Food Fortnight also being from Lincolnshire, if Lincolnshire was not on the food map before this poll it most certainly is now!

Organiser of British Food Fortnight, Alexia Robinson

Voting has been taking place throughout the summer with the public casting their votes between the various English counties, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland.

Over 22,000 people cast their vote and in the latter stages, it became a neck and neck two-horse race that went right to the wire between Cornwall and Lincolnshire.

There is quite simply no other part of Britain that has what we have here. We have so much to thank nature for - our famed clotted cream comes from the rich milk of the contented cattle that graze the lush green pastures on our rolling hillsides; clean, mild Atlantic air and gentle, warm rain nurture our crops and, surrounded by sea on three sides, a variety of fresh fish to match anywhere in the world.

What's happened in the past decade is the marriage of these natural assets and traditional values with contemporary energy and flair. The result: a stunning new range of foods and drinks and a whole new level of quality that has positioned Cornwall well and truly on the world stage. In the past couple of years, we've boasted the world's supreme champion cheese and a world title for sparkling wine!

Ruth Huxley, Managing Director of Cornwall Food & Drink - on behalf of Cornwall, the runners up.

Mary Powell, who is Tourism Development Manager for Tastes of Lincolnshire, says:

Sally Jackson"We have always believed Lincolnshire is the top food spot in the UK, and now is our chance to get this recognised nationally.

We have the freshest and tastiest local food - premium sausages, delectable pork pies, Lincoln Red beef and the famous Lincolnshire plumbread, best enjoyed with Lincolnshire Poacher Cheese.

Add to that famous dishes such as stuffed Chine (salt pork filled with herbs) and Haslet (pork meatloaf with herbs) and fields full of the finest vegetables - what more could a food lover ask for? This competition has been a brilliant profile raiser for local food.

As a very rural, often forgotten part of Britain, it is great to be recognised as one of the great food producing areas!"

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