Be Alcohol Aware

Be Alcohol Aware

Alcohol Awareness Week 2011 14-20 November 2011 will see the launch of the Alcohol Concern's charter for a world free from alcohol harm.

A four-point statement based on the World Health Organisation's own charter on alcohol which they will be asking individuals, public bodies and other organisations to endorse.

Alcohol Concern will be personally inviting MPs, and especially health ministers and their shadows, to sign up.

To highlight the need for a public commitment to reduction in alcohol harm, they will be asking people to take part in a national online conversation based on two questions: -

Is the social cost of alcohol too high?
What is a drink problem?

To make people think about their level of drinking, Alcohol Concern have released a new poster on drink strength What's in your drink?

This poster is now available for you to print and display from

Alcohol Awareness Poster

During the week, Alcohol Concern will also be releasing two new reports:

Recommendations for the government's imminent Alcohol Strategy from Alcohol Concern's round table discussions at the party conferences.

Outcomes from their youth policy team's shadow Advertising Standards Authority, where young people apply the ASA codes to current alcohol advertising and marketing.

Alcohol Awareness Week is an Alcohol Concern initiative in collaboration with regional and national health groups Balance (North East), Our Life and Drink Wise North West (North West), Alcohol Focus Scotland, Alcohol Action Ireland and Alcohol Concern Cymru (Wales).

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