It's Your Choice

It's Your Choice

National No Smoking Day falls on the second Wednesday in March every year and here at The Source we are sharing the information available for those who want to quit.

No Smoking Day's President is entrepreneur, TV personality, and anti-tobacco campaigner Duncan Bannatyne OBE.

Bannatyne, an ex- smoker who famously took on British American Tobacco at its AGM in April 2008, supports the charity by being the celebrity spokesperson for the campaign as well as encouraging the public and other celebrities to participate.

Bannatyne, who has vowed to suspend his childrens' trust funds if he finds them smoking commented:

"My views on smoking are well known. I feel that No Smoking Day is the perfect vehicle to push the smokefree message in a non- judgemental way - I'm proud to be a supporter."

With the No Smoking Day charity there's no pressure. When smokers are ready to stop, there is an enormous amount of help available to support them to quit.

No Smoking Day

CalendarNo Smoking Day is the UK's foremost annual health awareness campaigns in the UK, helping over 1.5 million smokers quit for good since 1984.

The success of No Smoking Day is built on commitment to building partnerships with all those who share the vision, by bringing together like-minded individuals and organisations from across the UK to share skills and focus attention on smoking cessation for one day.

Established in 1983, No Smoking Day works to support smokers who want to quit.

The charity does this by raising awareness of the Day, which takes place on the second Wednesday in March every year, and highlighting the many sources of help available for quitters.

If you want help and advice please visit

The main messages of No Smoking Day:

No Smoking Day is a good opportunity to stop smoking.

Smokers can get help when they want to stop.

There are health and other benefits to stopping smoking.

What No Smoking Day does:

Spurs smokers into action - three quarters of a million people made a quit attempt on No Smoking Day 2010.

Appeals to smokers of all types - whatever their age, sex or social class.

Publicises and explains the help that smokers can get when they want to stop.

Captures the attention of the media with lots of supportive TV, newspaper and radio coverage.

What No Smoking Day doesn't do:

Try to force smokers to stop - No Smoking Day is for the majority of smokers who want to quit.

Harass smokers - it's not about banning smoking, or picking on smokers.

Work in isolation - smokers need support before and after the Day too.

Visit brought to you by the No Smoking Day charity.

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