About Time Too

About Time Too

Sell-by dates are to be scrapped to curb food waste...

The newspapers report this week that the 'sell-by' date is to become a thing of the past and here at The Source we couldn't be happier with this more common-sense move.

The amount of food being wasted every day is a crime - and all because it has passed its 'sell-by' date - with most of the waste produce still being perfectly edible and fit for use.

It is estimated that five million tons of food is binned each year - with a value in the region of £12billion.

'Sell-by' and 'display until' dates, which are primarily used for stock control reasons, are to be phased out.

A new agreement means that all food and drink will carry just one date - to avoid confusion - and will be a 'best before' or 'use by' date.

'Best before' dates are intended to guide consumers and advise them that the product, although still edible, may not be as good if eaten or used after the stated date.

'Use by' dates would be for more perishable goods and would indicate that the item should be used before that date or it may be unfit for consumption after.

A positive move in the right direction...

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