Cars, Music and Food at CarFest South

Cars, Music and Food at CarFest South

Andy Kyriacou, vocalist for 80's Pop band Modern Romance, puts down the microphone long enough to take a trip to CarFest South last month - and shared his review of this event.

"A rare, sunny Saturday in August prompted me to bring out my cruiser-style motorbike, and along with a friend, ride to CarFest.

This event began four years ago in the mind of TV and radio presenter, Chris Evans. It now boasts a weekend in Overton, near Basingstoke, (Carfest South), and a weekend in Oulton Park, Cheshire (Carfest North), both completely filled to capacity.

The event is self explanatory simply by its name - Carfest - primarily a festival to celebrate the motor car; a piece of technology and engineering which has become such an important and vital aspect of our lives. DeLoreanHowever, there are so many motoring associated variants to this festival that merely explaining to someone 'there are lots of cars there' just wouldn't do it justice.

Many car clubs - old and new, prestige and every day - are represented throughout the event. Aston Martin, Ford (Anglia, Cortina), Jaguar, Ford Cortina, US Ford, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Triumph, Bentley, Vauxhall, BMW, Fiat - the list is endless and there are late models displayed alongside pristine examples of the earliest models.

I overheard many people reminiscing, saying how "I had that model in 1963 when I first drove", or how it was the "first car my parents owned when I was growing up". In fact, I saw a white Vauxhall Viva, which was the same model I drove around to get experience as a 17 year old learner awaiting my test!

It is like a walk through the history of the car, and there literally is something for everyone. Mustangs vying for attention with Capris, Astons a short walk away from Ferraris, Minis (both old and new) proudly parked near the Porsche gathering, a few yards from the DeLoreans. A fantastic opportunity to see the progress of the motor car through time, as fashioned by manufacturers and their various models, and complemented by some extreme muscle custom cars.

An auction section containing many of the aforementioned classic and new cars is held too at CarFest, and potential bidders are allowed to view the vehicles close-up before bidding.

Elsewhere, one could buy a ticket for Dream Rides (£10 or £20) and for this princely sum be taken for a 10 mile ride in a car normally fantasised about, be it a Corvette Stingray, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, or a Ferrari.Ward Thomas

The choice of food available to buy is substantial, with an array of food vans and stalls serving hot and cold meals.

An air show is also part of the proceedings, forcing me to wonder if there is anything entertainment wise they're not putting on for this event!

A racetrack is also constructed, allowing old E-type Jaguars, the latest electric cars, or 70's icons like the Escort RS Mexico or Shelby Mustang to show off a little.

The event itself is primarily held to raise money for Children In Need but is an event not only for petrol heads. Not happy with providing the aforementioned exotic/classic/thoroughbred cars, great food, children's events and other activities - music is also a vital part of the proceedings. This year, Sophie-Ellis Bexter, Texas, and the lovely Ward Thomas were just some of the acts who provided the sounds for everyone to sway to.

In particular, I loved the Country Music sounds of Ward Thomas - they were absolute stars. I have to admit, I was most impressed by the music set up in general. Of course, I expected the sound to be first class, after all, Chris Evans would not allow a sub standard sound system or crew to be hired for the event. However, what did take me by surprise, and impress the hell out of me, were the TWO stages, set up side by side.

This prevented any waiting during the typical turnaround time between acts, which normally necessitates a DJ or well known celebrity geeing up the audience. Here it was straight from one act to another, no delay, no lull in the proceedings. Excellent!

All in all, Carfest is a wonderful family event - fantastic organisation, friendly helpful staff throughout, and it is an event with a purpose - to raise money for a great cause, whilst bringing together people with an interest in cars, music and fun.

If you can get a ticket next year, I would suggest you go along but be quick once availability is announced - they DO sell out.

The only downside to the day, and not actually the fault or responsibility of the CarFest organisers, was the weather on the way home. When I rode in, it was with a t-shirt. As I rode out past the same security people, they must have wondered how much I had eaten - I was now double the size I had been on the way in due to wearing multiple layers, finished off with waterproofs.

However, even all that rain couldn't spoil a memorable day. Nice one Chris..."

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