Tofu Chocolate Mousse

Tofu Chocolate Mousse

A delicious alternative for people who can't eat dairy or gluten - and still tasty for those that can! This is a great recipe to experiment with by adding and testing different ingredients to suit your taste.


  • Approx 350g of firm Tofu
  • 170g of dairy, gluten and wheat free dark chocolate


  • Whisk the Tofu into a smooth pulp in a blender.
  • Melt the chocolate in a glass bowl, over a pan of hot/boiling water.
  • Add the Tofu to the melted chocolate and whisk together.
  • Separate into small ramekins or glasses and place in the fridge to chill.


The simple ingredients used in this recipe provide a solid mousse base from which to work. If you like a very firm set mousse then this is ideal. If you prefer a smoother more fluid mousse then added liquid ingredients will produce the desired results but may compromise on taste.

A little Tia Maria makes this a great choice for adults, whilst banana or strawberries can add a twist for the kids.

Add a good splash of Tia Maria (or liqueur of choice) to the mixture before dividing into ramekins.

A banana could be blended in with the tofu.

Vanilla essence can be added if desired.

Dress with fresh fruit to serve.

For a cheesecake style option, crush some dairy/gluten/wheat-free shortbread with some 'Pure' spread and press the biscuit mixture down into the ramekins.
Allow to chill before layering on the tofu mix.

This is a great recipe to experiment and play with - adding and testing different variation to taste.

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