Tim Bouget's Cumin Crusted Rump Of Salt Marsh Lamb With Smoked Aubergine

Tim Bouget's Cumin Crusted Rump Of Salt Marsh Lamb With Smoked Aubergine

"This recipe is perfect for an alternative Sunday lunch or light dinner, perfect for spring and summer. The dish is inspired from my time working in the middle east and is a classic combination with nutty texture of the quinoa that compliment the subtle flavour of early season lamb. At ODE we use salt marsh lamb from Somerset which has a unique flavour, cooking at a very low temparature ensuring the meat is served pink and tender, however this recipe the lamb can be roasted in a conventional oven or even barbequed if marinated in spiced yogurt over night". -Tim Bouget

Serves 2


  • 350g Rump of Lamb cut into 2 (ask your butcher to prepare)
  • 1 tsp cumin seed
  • 50g quinoa
  • 250ml water
  • 200g tomates (3) peeled, deseeded and chopped roughly
  • 1 handful equal quantities of coriander and mint chopped
  • 2 tbsp full fat natural yogurt with a pinch of cumin powder
  • 1/2 lemon juiced
  • 10g toasted pine nuts
  • 1 large aubergine grilled until blackened
  • 1 tbsp tahina paste


  • Grill or bake in a oven the aubergine with a small amount of oil until blackened, 1-2 hours, turn frequently, don’t be afraid of burning as the skin will protect the flesh and give a lovely smokey flavour.
  • Remove from the grill or oven when soft and blackened, allow to cool, drain off the bitter aubergine liquid in a colander and remove skin.
  • Chop the flesh roughly and add lemon juice and tahina paste, mix well and season to taste.
  • Score the fat on lamb rumps and rub with salt, pepper and cumin seed.
  • Seal in a hot pan, fat side down and cook in an oven (200oc) for approximately 10-12 minutes until pink or cooked to your liking.
  • Remove from the pan and set aside to rest for 2-3 minutes.
  • Whilst the lamb is cooking rnse 50g of quinoa and cover with water.
  • Bring to boil and simmer umtil the liquid has reduced to nothing, remove and cover with a lid until ready to serve.
  • Add chopped tomatoes, coriander and mint to a bowl and season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.


  • Mix the quinoa into the tomato and herb salad and put into the centre of the plate
  • Spoon over the natural yogurt
  • Slice the lamb into 3 and place ontop of the salad
  • Serve a spoon on aubergine puree to the side and serve warm
  • Sprinkle with pine nuts

(C) Tim Bouget of ODE restuarant in Devon - www.odetruefood.co.uk

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