Scottish Fudge

Scottish Fudge

Sugary sweet and ready to eat, in under an hour. A brilliant way to entertain the family whilst encouraging the children to cook.



  • Knob of butter
  • 450g (1lb) caster sugar
  • 120ml (4fl oz) milk
  • 1 small tin (397g) sweetened condensed milk


  • Grease a square baking tin (with tall sides) with butter.
  • Heat sugar and milk slowly in a heavy based saucepan till all the sugar dissolves.
  • Add the condensed milk and bring to the boil.
  • Boil for about 15-20 minutes until it becomes pitted like a moon base.
  • Then boil for another 5 minutes until it comes off the sides of the pan easily.
  • Pour into the greased tin.
  • Leave to cool for ten minutes, mark into squares of desired size and cut when completely cool.

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