Nutriblast™ Your Way to a Healthier Day with the Nutribullet

Nutriblast™ Your Way to a Healthier Day with the Nutribullet

The secret of the Nutribullet is its powerful 600 watt motor combined with bullet cyclonic action that forces everything through the turbo extractor blades - turning at up to an incredible ten thousand RPM to break down and pulverize the stems seeds and skins where some of the usually neglected essential nutrition lies - to help give you the strength, energy and vitality for a full active life whatever your age.

The Nutribullet completely breaks down your food, liquefying and mixing together all the essential nutrition.

Nutribullet Cholesterol Lowering Nutriblast™ Smoothie

This delicious Nutriblast™ is a great way to help you lower your cholesterol as it contains soya, oats and almonds - which have been shown to help with the control of LDL cholesterol as part of a healthy balanced diet. Spirulina is a blue-green algae which can be found naturally in oceans and some fresh water lakes. It is easily digestible and can help with lowering cholesterol. The protein content will also help keep you feeling fuller for longer so it is ideal for breakfast and the fruit provides one of your five a day too!
Nutribullet Smoothie
Serves One


  • 150g plain soya yoghurt
  • 20g oats
  • 100g raspberries or 100g frozen mixed berries
  • 20g almonds (ground)*
  • 2 tsp honey or agave nectar
  • 1 level tsp Organic Spirulina Powder
  • 150ml water


  1. Place all the ingredients into the Nutribullet and whizz for a few seconds until all the ingredients are evenly blended. These will all fit into the short cup, so you can pop the lid on and take to work with you.

Top tips

  • This gives a super thick and creamy result, if you would like a thinner result add more water and use the tall cup
  • Serve on ice
  • *Grind your own almonds using the milling blade
  • Enjoy as a healthy breakfast

Nutritional information per serving
Calories 364kcal
Carbohydrate 37g
Protein 17g
Fat 17g
Saturated fat 2g

Nutribullet Detox Nutriblast™ Drink

This Nutriblast™ is packed with foods to help you detox your body - in particular beetroot and wheatgrass. Beetroot contains high levels of the phytonutrient, betalain which has detoxifying abilities and wheatgrass contains over 30 different enzymes which can aid digestion and can kill bad bacteria in the gut and can help boost the body’s natural defence against free-radicals. It is also believed to be a detoxifier and anti-oxidant, cleansing the blood and the liver.
Nutribullet Detox
Serves One


  • 1 small cooked beetroot, peeled (50g)
  • 1 eating apple, cored but skin on (200g)
  • Handful fresh mint
  • 2 tsp Organic Wheatgrass Powder
  • 200ml water


  1. Place all the ingredients into the Nutribullet and whizz for a few seconds until all the ingredients are evenly blended. These will all fit into the short cup, so you can pop the lid on and take to work or the gym.

Top tips

  • Serve on ice
  • Replace the apple with ripe pear

Nutritional information per serving
Calories 128kcal
Carbohydrate 30g
Protein 3g
Fat 0.4g

Nutribullet Energy Nutriblast™

Most of us need an energy boost from time to time - and this Nutriblast™ is a really easy but tasty way to do just that. The most important nutrients for energy creation are carbohydrate, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and iron and the carbohydrates in this are slow release/ low GI, so create even blood sugar levels and therefore sustained energy. The Nutriblast™ is a good source of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, it is high in B6, iron, magnesium and a good source of zinc. Helped by the addition of Maca which is very nutrient dense and often used to boost energy. This is one Nutriblast™ we are sure you will be making time and time again.
Nutribullet Energy
Serves One


  • 30g spinach
  • 100g blueberries or 100g frozen mixed berries
  • 1 peeled banana
  • 10g pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tsp Organic Maca Powder
  • 150ml water


  1. Place all the ingredients into the Nutribullet and whizz for a few seconds until all the ingredients are evenly blended. These will all fit into the short cup, so you can pop the lid on and take to work with you for a great mid morning or afternoon snack.

Top tips

  • This gives a super thick and creamy result, if you would like a thinner result add more water and use the tall cup
  • Serve on ice
  • There is no need to pre grind the pumpkin seeds - the Nutribullet does the hard work for you!
  • Enjoy as a healthy snack

Nutritional information per serving
Calories 198 kcal
Carbohydrate 33g
Protein 6g
Fat 5g

Nutribullet Pre/Post Workout Nutriblast™

Enjoying the right diet pre and post work out is an important way to help keep your body in good shape - and this Nutriblast™ is great either before or after an exercise session. Carbohydrate is the most important nutrient during exercise as it is needed for energy; protein is also important for muscle build and repair and post exercise carbohydrate rebuilds glycogen stores. The carbohydrates in this Nutriblast™ are a mixture of both fast release (high GI) and slow release (low GI) - ideal for working out. Maca is also used for boosting energy - important for all athletes. It is also high in thiamin, riboflavin, B6, B12, iron, magnesium and zinc and a good source of folate, which are important nutrients for energy creation. The yoghurt provides calcium which is needed for muscle contraction.
Nutribullet Workout
Serves One


  • 150g plain low fat yoghurt
  • 100ml skimmed milk
  • 1 banana
  • 100g mango*
  • 10g pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tsp Organic Maca Powder


  1. Place all the ingredients into the Nutribullet and whizz for a few seconds until all the ingredients are evenly blended. These will all fit into the short cup, so you can pop the lid on and take to the gym with you.

Top tips

  • This gives a super thick and creamy result, if you would like a thinner result add more water and use the tall cup
  • Even more delicious served on ice
  • Replace the banana and the mango with 100g defrosted frozen tropical fruit mix
  • *No need to peel the mango – the Nutribullet does all the hard work for you and means you don’t lose any goodness

Nutritional information per serving
Calories 340 kcal
Carbohydrate 58g
Protein 15g
Fat 7g
Sat fat 2g

Nutribullet Immune System Boosting Nutriblast™

This Nutriblast™ contains nutrients that can help support the immune system such as vitamins A,C,E, iron, zinc and D plus spirulina which is believed to be a source of vitality as well containing protein which helps build and repair the body. The Nutriblast™ is high in A, C, E (providing 100% of your RDA), as well as being high in iron and a good source of zinc. This Nutriblast™ also provides 3 of your five a day in one super drink.
Nutribullet Immune
Serves One


  • 25g spinach
  • 130g tomato (3 medium)
  • ½ red pepper
  • ½ deseeded chilli
  • 10g pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tsp Organic Spirulina Powder
  • 150ml water


  1. Place all the ingredients into the Nutribullet and whizz for a few seconds until all the ingredients are evenly blended. These will all fit into the short cup, so you can pop the lid on and take to work or the gym.

Top tips

  • Serve on ice
  • Replace the spinach with kale
  • Ideal mid morning or afternoon snack

Nutritional information per serving
Calories 140 kcal
Carbohydrate 15g
Protein 9g
Fat 6g

Nutribullet Breakfast Nutriblast™

Experts agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but too often we are short of time, so this super quick and easy, on the go Nutriblast™ with wheatgrass is the perfect answer. In one drink it contains fruit, wholegrains (oats) and dairy - offering a really balanced breakfast. For busy people it offers slow release/low GI carbohydrates for sustained energy and protein for satiety. It also contributes a significant amount of the daily recommended intake of calcium as well as a portion of your five a day and one of the 3 portions of wholegrains, nutritionists recommend. A great way to start the day.
Nutribullet Breakfast
Serves One


  • 150g low fat plain yoghurt
  • 100ml skimmed milk
  • 30g oats
  • 100g berries - raspberries, strawberries or blueberries
  • 1 banana (optional - for added energy)*
  • 10g linseed
  • 2 tsp Organic Wheatgrass Powder


  1. Place all the ingredients into the Nutribullet and whizz for a few seconds until all the ingredients are evenly blended. These will all fit into the short cup, so you can pop the lid on and take to work with you.

Top tips

  • This gives a super thick and creamy result, if you would like a thinner result add more water and use the tall cup
  • *The banana provides added energy for those who are particularly active
  • Replace fresh fruit with frozen or defrosted mixed berries
  • You can use the Nutribullet milling blade to pre-grind the linseed

Nutritional information per serving (excluding the banana)
Calorie 328kcal
Carbohydrate 45g
Protein 19g
Fat 9g
Sat fat 2g

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