World's First Edible Alcohol Store from Smith & Sinclair

World's First Edible Alcohol Store from Smith & Sinclair

Launching on the 17th November, through until Christmas Eve, Smith & Sinclair plan to launch 'Eat Your Drink' - a multi-sensory adventure in the ultimate adult pop-up.

Hosted by Benefit at 10 Carnaby Street, London and following a successful crowdfunding campaign, which reached the target at the end of last week, alcoholic explorers Smith & Sinclair are inviting the curious and adventurous to jump down the rabbit hole and embark on a multi-sensorial journey, exploring cocktails like never before.Eat Your Drink

Taking over the downstairs of Benefit's flagship store on Carnaby Street, Eat Your Drink will challenge all perceptions of what alcohol can be by de-constructing cocktails into weird and wonderful creations for shoppers to taste, touch and smell.

Expect an assault on the senses with everything from alcoholic bubbles and perfumes to infused candy floss and cocktail dib dabs to Smith & Sinclair's trademark cocktail pastilles. Eat Your Drink will also curate eclectic events at night, hosting panel discussions with leading influencers, workshops and more.

"Smith & Sinclair have completely thrown away the rulebook on what you can do with alcohol and come up with a real treat for the senses. Be amazed in our store by day with mind-blowing edible delights and by night get stuck in to the talks and workshops with the leading names in fashion, beauty and more. Trust me you’ve never seen anything like this before and we are so excited to have them with us for this period."

Kyra Oates, Head of Events & Promotions, Benefits Cosmetics

Smith & Sinclair is partnering with a number of brands and individuals to make the experience even more special with plenty more surprise collaborations confirmed. Official drink partners for Eat Your Drink include Duppy Share, Sipsmith Gin, Firefly Tonic, Jools Drinks and Two Birds Vodka.

Eat Your Drink will open as a shop during the day seven days a week and host specially curated ticketed events during selected evenings, including eyelash making with Not On The High Street 2015 'Make' award-winner Niclove, a food start-up panel with We Are Blacksheep, as well as events by Sipsmith Gin, Tatty Divine, Benefit and more.

This ultimate adult pop-up is free to enter everyday from November 17th to December 24th, with ticketed night time events. For more information on Smith & Sinclair visit

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