World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day

The 8th June sees a global celebration of the oceans and the efforts to conserve them...

Recent research has revealed those between the ages of 12 and 17 are especially important to ocean conservation.

So this year's theme, "Youth: the Next Wave for Change" emphasizes the important role that 'tweens and teens in particular can play, and are playing, in conserving our oceans.

Kokova Magazine is proud to join with hundreds of other educational institutions, conservation organizations, and thousands of individuals in dozens of countries around the world in celebrating World Oceans Day, an opportunity to celebrate the oceans' wide array of wonders and resources, and consider ways that each of us can help with ocean conservation.

According to reports from The Ocean Project, youth not only have the highest level of concern about the problems facing the world's oceans, from oil spills and overfishing to climate change but also are the most confident in their ability to make a difference and increasingly looked to by the adults in their families for ways to be part of the solution by 'going green', or perhaps more appropriately 'going aquamarine!'
Ocean Logo
World Oceans Day is held every June 8th and is coordinated by The Ocean Project and the World Ocean Network.

For more information, including a comprehensive list of events locally and globally, please visit the website of World Oceans Day (

"World Oceans Day is an opportunity every year to honor the world's ocean, celebrate the products the ocean provides, such as seafood, as well as marine life itself for aquariums, pets, and also a time to appreciate its own intrinsic value. The ocean also provides sea-lanes for international trade. Global pollution and over-consumption of fish have resulted in drastically dwindling population of the majority of species.

The Ocean Project, working in partnership with the World Ocean Network, has been promoting WOD since 2003 with its network of over 1,200 organizations and others throughout the world. These groups have been working to build greater awareness of the crucial role of the ocean in our lives and the important ways people can help. World Oceans Day provides an opportunity to get directly involved in protecting our future, through a new mindset and personal and community action and involvement – beach cleanups, educational programs, art contests, film festivals, sustainable seafood events, and other planned activities help to raise consciousness of how our lives depend on the oceans."
- Wikipedia

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