Support Bowel Cancer UK with a Big Book Swap

Support Bowel Cancer UK with a Big Book Swap

Autumn is here and it's time for the Big Book Swap.

Host a Big Book Swap this October together with friends, family or colleagues to raise funds for Bowel Cancer UK and help us save lives.

You can hold your book swap anywhere; at home with friends; involve colleagues with a work book swap, or what about at your book club?

Holding a Big Book Swap is easy and fun!

  • Choose somewhere to host your event e.g. home, your workplace, school or local village/church hall
  • Pick a date in October
  • Invite friends, family, colleagues or members of the public to bring a book to swap
  • A suggested donation of between £5 and £10 from those attending will ensure you raise lots for Bowel Cancer UK
  • Consider other ways to raise money - have food and drinks for sale
  • Discuss why you picked your book; perhaps it changed your life, inspired you or is a favourite you'd love to share
  • Have fun and swap books

For more information visit

Let the swapping commence!

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email:
