The Soil Association and Le Pain Quotidien Coffee Keeps Britain Buzzing

The Soil Association and Le Pain Quotidien Coffee Keeps Britain Buzzing

To celebrate the last day of summer and in support of the Soil Association's Keep Britain Buzzing campaign, Le Pain Quotidien will be giving away free cups of organic coffee on the morning of 23rd September, the last day of summer. The free coffee will be available around different Le Pain Quotidien restaurants across London.

The Soil Association formed a partnership with Le Pain Quotidien earlier this year. Le Pain Quotidien's philosophy is founded on sourcing the highest quality ingredients, which are good for the earth and their customers.

We're excited to be part of this wonderful initiative. Nine years ago, Le Pain Quotidien made the choice to serve only organic coffee and organic milk. We believe this is good for our bodies, our communities, and the environment. This campaign will deliver a strong message around our restaurants for a better Organic September!

Clotilde Goupil de Bouillé, Brand Marketing Manager at Le Pain Quotidien

The Soil Association's Keep Britain Buzzing campaign aims to save the UK's declining bee population through the banning of neonicotinoid pesticides and promotion of organic farming practices. The campaign saw a victory for the bees recently when the EU voted to suspend the use of three neonicotinoid pesticides in agriculture - widely believed to be one of the main reasons for the decline in bees. But there is still much more that needs to be done to halt the declining population.

The Soil Association and Le Pain Quotidien are working together to highlight the threats bees face and encourages us all to take action to protect bees. The Soil Association's Keep Britain Buzzing campaign was launched to promote bee-friendly organic farming and to help bee populations recover by ensuring there are plenty of domestic and agricultural bee-friendly habitats around the UK.

We’re delighted to be working with Le Pain Quotidien to save Britain's bees. We want to promote bee-friendly organic farming and show that everyone can make a difference by simply changing their shopping habits. Our campaign branding on the cups will help raise awareness and let people know how they can help save the bees.

Georgina McLeod, campaigns director at the Soil Association

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